SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 04/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0699: Krishna explains the importance of trees

Narayana Harekrishna

“Observing these trees, Krishna addressed his companions and said, ‘O Stoka-krishna, O Amshu, O Sridhāma, O Subala, O Arjuna, O Vishāla, O Rṣabha, O Tejaswi, O Devaprastha, O Varūthapa, please observe these trees that are so blessed’. “

Krishna knew the names of all the thousands of boys who had accompanied him. It is however no astonishing feat for the Lord who himself is the memory that exists in all.

Krishna continued, ‘Being useful to other living entities is the sole purpose behind their existence”.

Plants and trees live solely to serve others. They bear flowers to benefit some. They bear fruits to benefit some others. Even the leaves that they shed benefit some living entities. Through their shade they serve others. They provide facility for the birds to nest on their branches. Trees work solely for the benefit of the universe and never against it. Even when they crash due to the force of wind, through sound they forewarn about their imminent fall. A tree never intends to harm others. By admiring this trait in trees, Krishna was hinting that the boys were yet to develop that trait.

Krishna continued, “Enduring storms, rains, sunshine and snow, these trees protect us from the vagaries of Nature.

Aho eṣāḿ varaḿ janma sarva -prāṇy-upajīvanam

su-janasyeva yeṣāḿ vai vimukhā yānti nārthinaḥ

Aha! How fortunate is this birth as a tree that provides sustenance to living entities.”

Since trees remain stationed in the same place, they are often ignored. Nevertheless, the help that they render to is unsurpassed. They grow purely for the well-being of others.

“Krishna continued, ‘These trees which, like saints, are ever-ready to help others, never cause disappointment to those who approach them seeking fruits, flowers etc. Trees supply us with flowers, fruits, roots, branches, twigs, leaves and bark, coal, ash that are most essential for our subsistence. In addition, by providing humans with shade and fragrance, they fulfill all their needs”.

From this it is evident that Krishna revered Nature and held it in high esteem. He was explaining the essence of the trees to the boys who were ignorant of it. He was teaching very valuable lessons. For every flower He came across, He would explain its characteristics, essence, usability and the service it offers to mankind. He would explain the essence of every rock, twig and stone He came across.

Only when we grasp the importance of Nature, we can understand why it is being glorified by Him. When we truly observe a mountain, we understand its essence. After listening to this explanation given by Krishna, we too will fold our hands and revere trees. We will touch them and thank them. Trees are indispensable. Trees have life. They lead a life of total sacrifice.

Unlike trees, other living entities do not possess this quality of sacrifice. Fearing for their lives they run when approached. They fear other living entities. On the contrary, trees do not fear others. Krishna is teaching us to preserve Nature through preservation of trees. Seeking protection of trees is nothing new. Krishna himself advocated this during this lifetime. Plant trees, nurture them, protect trees, protect Nature, He advocated.

“Those who cheat living entities who work for their well-being are far more despicable than demons”.

Often people swindle those who work for their well-being. Such persons who swindle others are more degraded and heinous than even demons or wild animals, which are cruel by nature. Unlike demons and wild animals, who through their facial expressions, make known their ferocious, crooked nature, swindlers appear naïve and humble. They are deceptive. Harming those who have helped them is their nature.

“Etāvaj janma-sāphalyaḿ dehinām iha dehiṣu

Prāṇair arthair dhiyā vācā śreya-ācaraṇaḿ sadā

At all times, life-force, wealth, intelligence and speech should be utilized solely for the well-being of others. This is the primary dharma of a human being. These alone grant fruitfulness to this birth as a human on Earth”.

At every minute we should think- in what way can we be beneficial to others? Dedicate your body, wealth, life, intelligence and speech for the benefit of others.

“Having said this, Krishna walked amidst the rows of trees and arrived at the banks of Yamuna”.

Even when humans cut or burn the trees, they unhesitatingly grow new leaves and shoots for the well-being of humans. Even the leaves that they shed turn into manure that enrich the soil. In every possible way, trees work for our well-being.

Krishna Krishna Srihari
