SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 04/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0698: Krishna blesses the maidens who had performed the Kātyayani vrata

Śrikrishna Narayana

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Śrikrishna caught the mistake of the Gopikas and then, through this drama, ensured that they give up their bashfulness. With this, they were totally freed from egoism”.

Using the mistake of the Gopikas as an excuse, Krishna destroyed the sins and the feelings of egoism completely in them all. The ever-compassionate Lord thus purified them completely. In their past births, these maidens were supreme ascetics. The Lord now purified them and freed them from egoism.

“He teased them, treated them like mere toys and stole their garments. Even then, the maidens only enjoyed the company of their beloved but did not find any fault with Him”.

They could not find any faults in Krishna’s deeds. They were happy that He had spared them from sin. They were grateful that He had purified them and removed their egoism. Even jocularly they did not accuse Him. Not even one among the thousands of girls ever complained. Isn’t it strange?

“The minds of these Gopikas were captivated by Krishna. He had stolen their minds. Having met their beloved Lord, they, whose minds were overflowing with happiness, deeply enjoyed His company. Even after putting on their clothes, they remained beside Him casting bashful glances lovingly at Him”.

The Supreme Lord Damodara understood that these maidens, who had abided by rigorous disciplines for the entire month, were deeply longing to touch His feet”.

Krishna wondered why the maidens still remained there watching him. What could be the thoughts in their minds? He then understood that the thousands of Gopikas assembled there wanted to touch His lotus feet.

He then addressed them saying, “O meritorious ladies! O worshipful ones! I am aware of your deep desire to offer worship to me. May your desire be fulfilled!

Na mayy āveśita-dhiyāḿ kāmaḥ kāmāya kalpate

Bharjitā kvathitā dhānāḥ prāyo bījāya neśate

The desire of the spiritual aspirants, whose intellect is completely locked in Me, will never draw them towards worldly comforts just as burnt, boiled or roasted seeds can never germinate”.

Here Krishna refers to those who have fixed their minds solely upon the Lord and who eternally think of Him night and day. There is no thought apart from this. They are the most purified beings. They diligently complete all their daily chores, they talk and mingle with others, nevertheless their minds are fixed only upon Him. Externally they work as if they are totally engrossed in the task on hand, yet their mind is totally fixed upon Him. Mentally they are recollecting Krishna’s essence, remembering His transcendental glories or chanting His hymns. The desires of such pure devotees will never drag them towards worldly comforts.

The above hymn contains a lot of vedantic essence. Time and again we should recollect it.

“O Gopikas, return to Brindavan. You are the meritorious beings who have attained accomplishment”.

Through this statement, the Lord had blessed the ladies with spiritual accomplishment.

“Krishna continued, ‘In the future nights you will enjoy with me. You will see me and spend time with me. After all, you all have worshipped Mother Parvati’.

The girls were all delighted as their ritual had borne fruit. It was their deepest desire to worship Krishna, embrace him and to kiss his lotus feet. Krishna had now fulfilled their desire. The girls did not even get a doubt as to how he could spend time with each one of them exclusively. After all, they knew his transcendental capacities. He ensured that they did not even realize that they were enveloped in illusion.

“When Krishna commanded them thus, with great difficulty the maidens left him and with their minds focused exclusively upon his lotus feet, returned to their homes”.

Their mind was focussed only the tender lotus feet of the six-year old Krishna.

“After their departure, Krishna, the son of Devaki, who was accompanied by Balarama took the cattle for grazing into the deep forests far away from Brindavan. All the cowherd boys followed him.

It was a hot day and the intense heat caused them to perspire profusely. The drops of sweat on Krishna’s forehead appeared like the tiny pearls ornamenting His head. This sight was delightful to the eyes. The tall trees took on the role of umbrellas and provided shade to the Lord as He walked beneath them”.

When Krishna would step out of the shade, the tree would grieve seeing him walking in the Sun. It would lament at its inability to provide him with the required shade.

“Observing these trees, Krishna addressed his companions and said, ‘O Stoka-krishna, O Amshu, O Sridhāma, O Subala’.”

Srihari Narayana Krishna
