SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 04/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0692: The song of the flute (Venu gita)

Krishna Krishna Hare Narayana

The Gopikas sang, “While the peacocks, that were intoxicated due to listening to Krishna’s flute, danced merrily, all other animals on the mountain remained motionless listening to that music with rapt attention.

Dhanyāḥ sma mūḍha-gatayo ‘pi hariṇya etā

yā nanda-nandanam upātta-vicitra-veśam

ākarṇya veṇu-raṇitaḿ saha-kṛṣṇa-sārāḥ

pūjāḿ dadhur viracitāḿ praṇayāvalokaiḥ

“Although being stupid, the female-deer (doe) are truly blessed because, together with their male companions (bucks), they listen to the music playing from Krishna’s flute and with great adoration gaze at Krishna, the son of Nanda, who is dressed in colourful attire. Through their gaze, which is akin to flowers, they are worshipping the Lord”.

In reality, every entity that was in His presence was fortunate. It was impossible to emphatically declare that one living entity was more fortunate than another in such situation. A female-deer (doe) is fickle-minded. Its mind runs swiftly in all directions. Among the animals that are fickle-minded, the deer takes the first place. It is very difficult to control the doe as they do not remain in a place steadily for even a minute.

The words hariṇya moodha-mataya api dhanyāh- make it clear that even birds and animals obtain blessedness based on their worthiness. From this it is evident that worthiness is not dependent upon the species into which one is born. Every living entity obtains blessedness based on its worthiness. It is incorrect to believe that animals and birds, which belong to lower species, cannot obtain such eligibility. It is the result of the many meritorious deeds across innumerable past births.

“Śrikrishna’s behaviour and appearance brings delight to the women-folk. Upon seeing Krishna and upon listening to the divine music flowing from His flute, the celestial-ladies, who are travelling in the skies in their aircrafts, were infatuated. Halting their aircrafts, they remained stupefied. These celestials, who had gone beyond the grip of delusion were now trapped in it again upon listening to this music. It was as if Manmatha, the Lord of love, was testing them. Their braids loosened and the flowers from their hair slipped down. Forgetting themselves, they stood in awe listening to the divine music remaining unaware of the clothing that was slipping down from their bodies.

With their steady loving gazes, the cows mentally embraced Krishna, their cowherd. Tears of joy flowed freely from their eyes and through this they expressed their delight. With their cupped ears, they were drinking in the nectar that flowed from Krishna’s lips.”

The cows remained motionless drinking with their cupped ears the music that flowed from Krishna’s lips. Their minds were steadily focussed only on the music. They were motionless. From their eyes, tears of joy were freely flowing. After all, the celestials had assumed the form of the cows to be in Krishna’s presence.

“Forgetting to swallow the milk that they had sucked, the calves stood motionless with milk in their mouths. On the trees, that were laden with tender shoots, the birds positioned themselves such that they could obtain an unhindered vision of Krishna, who was playing the flute”.

The birds stopped flying. They stopped all their other activities, and enraptured by the music positioned themselves on the tree branches to obtain a clear view of Krishna.

“Without blinking and without entertaining any other thought in the mind, the birds listened to this music”.

The eyes did not see any image barring Krishna. The ears did not hear any sound barring His music. The body remained still.

Words fail to describe the beauty in his music, isn’t it? How astonishing! Perhaps the birds would have been supreme Maharishis. Not just birds, it appears as if every animal, bird, insect and worm that was born in Brindavan was some Devata or a celestial closely associated with the Supreme Lord and who, as a result of some past action, had taken birth in this form. What else can be said of their fortune!

“With great dedication, the rivers heard the music that was flowing from the lips of Krishna, the Lord who bestows liberation. The sudden whirlpools indicated that due to their love for Krishna, they suddenly slackened in their speeds”.

The rivers were flowing so slowly that they appeared motionless.

“Through the waves, which were their arms, the rivers embraced the lotus feet of Krishna Murari, the player of the flute and offered Him lotuses. The waves were continuously approaching the lotus feet of the Lord and embracing Him”.

Krishna Krishna
