SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0684: The boys are rescued from another raging fire

Maharishi Śuka continued,

“As the boys were returning with their cattle, all of a sudden, a huge forest fire broke out which enveloped them from all sides with its fiery tongue-like flames rapidly burning down everything on its path. To add to this, the winds helped the fire gain momentum. Seeing the raging fire enveloping them rapidly, the boys and the cows panicked. As the fire had enveloped them in all directions, there was no way to escape from it. Seeking refuge in Krishna they prayed,

Kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa mahā-vīra he rāmāmogha vikrama

Dāvāgninā dahyamānān prapannāḿs trātum arhasi

‘Krishna, you are valourous! Balarama, you are of unsurpassed might! We, who are being burnt by this devastating forest fire, seek refuge in You, who alone possess the ability to rescue us. O Śrikrishna! You are adept in all the dharmas. We, your relatives, are not supposed to be destroyed. This is true because, You are our protector and our ultimate goal’.

Hearing this prayer uttered by his dearest friends, Krishna said, ‘My dear friends. Do not be afraid. Just close your eyes. Do not look at the fire. Bend your heads’.

The boys immediately did as instructed. At that moment, Śrikrishna, the Supreme Lord who is the master for all Yogic accomplishments, gulped down that forest fire which was filling everyone with fear. When the boys opened their eyes, they found themselves stationed beneath the huge banyan tree called Bhāndira- the original location!

Amazed at being rescued from the raging forest fire, amazed that their cows were also safe and sound and amazed that instead of the impenetrable forest, they had been brought back to the banyan tree, they realized that Krishna was a Devata”.

After this incident, the realization that Krishna had divinity in Him, dawned in them all. This was the beginning of devotion in their hearts. All along they had considered Krishna merely as a brave boy with limitless might whom God had graced abundantly with physical might. Now there was a shift in their thinking and they began to perceive Him as God.

“At sunset time, Krishna, the punisher of the wicked, together with Balarama, began to drive the cows back home. He entered Brindavan playing different musical notes on His flute while the boys were singing His glories. Merely by setting their eyes on Śrikrishna, the cowherd boys and the Gopikas of Brindavan were filled with joy. To them, who eternally focussed upon Krishna, even one second without Him was like a hundred eons”.

With this the nineteenth chapter of the tenth canto comes to an end.

Tenth Canto Chapter Twenty

In this chapter, the monsoon and winters have been described.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “The cowherd boys described to the inhabitants of Brindavan, in minute detail, of how Balarama slayed demon Pralamba and of how Krishna rescued them from the raging forest fire. With rapt attention, the elders heard these stories being narrated by their children and were deeply amazed. They began to wonder whether Krishna and Balarama were some important Gods who had incarnated in Brindavan”.

Even then they did not conclude that Krishna and Balarama were none other than the Supreme God. They believed them to be some celestial leaders.

“Shortly thereafter, the monsoon season, which causes all forms of life to flourish, commenced. All the directions were illumined by lightning. Skies thundered. Thick, dark rainy thundering clouds which emitted flashes of lightning, covered the skies completely blocking the Sun and Moon. The sky, which was thus filled with thick, dark clouds, illumined like the embodied soul (jeeva) who is enveloped by the three attributes of Nature (trigunas). For a period of eight months in a year, the Sun absorbs the water from the Earth. During monsoons, he releases the water back to Earth through these rain-bearing clouds”.

God, per His will, returns water back to Earth. Suddenly in a certain place there will be a huge downpour. At times, the rains cause the rivers to breach their embankments flooding all the places nearby. We do not know in which direction he will release the varuna-astra (water weapon). Whom He will grace, no one knows. Who can predict on which country and on which city He will direct his weapon? He can direct it upon any river. It moves as per His intent and His disciplines.

“Akin to noble compassionate people, the clouds which move due to strong winds and which are accompanied by lightning always cause the well-being of the universe”.

The clouds definitely cause the well-being of the universe. Nevertheless, during floods, don’t we wonder if they go overboard in their compassion?

“The clouds release water, which is an essential pre-requisite for sustaining life-force”.

Can any life sustain without water? In the absence of the five basic elements, life cannot sustain on Earth. On a hot sultry day, we state, ‘we can live without water, but not without air’. Some say ‘O we can manage without this air.’ But truthfully, can anyone sustain without air? The question of survival ceases in its absence. We declare, ‘We can manage without water but without daylight, it is impossible to manage’. The truth is that, in the absence of any among the five elements, there is no question of survival. Hence, it is imperative for us to strive for their protection.

Krishna Krishna
