SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0678: Kaliya’s wives beseech Krishna to pardon their husband

Narayana Narayana Krishna

We discussed yesterday that when Dhruva was proceeding to the forests for meditation, many people en route put forth their queries for which they sought answers from the Lord. Dhruva made a note of all their queries. Lastly an aged person wanted to know when he would get liberation. The old ascetic, who was on the verge of death, said, “I will remain in this body till such time you return with the message”.

As we all know, Dhruva had the darshan of Lord Mahavishnu. The compassionate Lord seated Dhruva on His lap. Just as the Lord was about to leave, Dhruva mentioned about the king who remained childless. The Lord replied that he would not have his own child but would get a child through adoption. This was also good outcome. Dhruva then mentioned about the king who had lost his kingdom. He Lord replied affirmatively that it would be restored. In this way the Lord resolved the doubts of one and all. Dhruva was pleased that the Lord had some solution to every problem. He then asked about the old ascetic who sought liberation. The Lord asked, “He wants liberation, is it? What is the tree under which he is seated?” Dhruva replied that it was a huge tummi tree (like a tamarind tree, this tree has innumerable tiny leaves).

The Lord replied, ‘After as many births as the number of leaves shed by this tree every year for a hundred times, he will obtain liberation’.

This tree sheds all its leaves every year. He will obtain liberation after as many births as the number of leaves shed by the tree in a hundred years. Here it implies that the old man has to take as many re-births as the number of leaves shed by the tree in hundred years.

The Lord gives cryptic messages. He will not say that you will have a re-birth. When he says, ‘you will obtain after 10,000 years’, it is automatically implied that you have to take on another birth. 10,000 years includes minimum 4 or 5 births. When he says, ‘you will get it after 800 years’ it means you have to go through 8 more births before you obtain it. Normally 120 years is calculated as a birth lifetime. 120 is the complete lifetime for a birth. Even a degraded sinner wont live past that age. Even 60 years is assumed to be a complete lifetime. For this reason, the shanti homas are conducted upon reaching 60. What about a person who lives past 120 years? He has lived the complete perfect lifetime and the additional time thereafter is a bonus given. It is a different matter altogether that the extra bonus time given to him serves no purpose at that age.

Dhruva was in a fix. He had been blessed abundantly by the Lord. But how was he to share this indigestible information with the old ascetic? How is one to convey such a painful message, thought Dhruva.

As he approached, he saw the old ascetic eagerly waiting for the answer. How to say? What to say? On what basis will the old man estimate the number of leaves on this huge, vast tree filled with tiny leaves? Hesitatingly, Dhruva passed on the message given by the Lord. To his surprise, the old ascetic began to dance blissfully! Dhruva enquired, ‘grandfather, why are you celebrating? I was hesitant to break this news to you. But then you appear to be happy hearing it. Why?’

The old man replied, “If Narayana has declared that I am entitled to get liberation, then it is final. It is the Lord’s words. Why should I worry about the number of leaves on this tree? Even if it takes innumerable eons, I do not worry. I will go through innumerable life-cycles. But ultimately, I am going to get liberation, isn’t it? That is important. I want nothing more than this. I do not feel the pain of going through limitless re-births. I will go through all experiences. I do not bother how long it could take. The fact that ultimately I am destined to get liberation is sufficient for me”.

Kaliya was filled with ignorance. He had committing heinous sins in many births. At the same time in many births he had performed some pure, meritorious deeds.

The wives prayed, “Being filled with ignorance (tamas), this Kaliya could not understand Your greatness. He is enveloped completely by ignorance. Please forgive him. O Lord, please bless this snake. Else it is about to lose its life. Saintly persons always have feelings of pity towards women. To us, his wives, he is our life. Please give us our husband. We are only your maid-servants. Please command us what we should do. The person who diligently abides by Your commands, without any fear or doubt crosses this huge ocean called worldly bondages (samsara) which overpowers him from all directions. We have been sincerely completing our duties. Please bless us”- said his wives.

He fearlessly easily exits from this fearsome samsāra.

Maharishi Śuka continued, ‘Due to the pressure of the Lord’s feet, Kaliya’s hoods were broken and he had been rendered unconscious’.

Hare Krishna
