SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 03/09/2019
Bhagavatam 0668: Krishna and Balarama enter the palm grove


“On some occasions, Krishna would wrestle with his friends and, in the process, be exhausted. He would then rest under the shade of a tree, using a mattress made of tender leaves and the lap of a friend as a pillow. At such times, his friends would come one after another and press the feet of this great Lord. They would apply oil and gently massage his legs”.

Weren’t they supremely fortunate?

“Using peacock feathers, some boys would fan Him while He was sleeping while some would fan Him using the leaves and shoots available in the vicinity. Due to this service offered to the Lord, their sins were all burnt away. With love overflowing from their compassionate hearts, some boys sang melodiously , bringing Him great joy.

Krishna, the Supreme Lord whose tender feet are gently massaged by Goddess Lakshmi, behaved like the son of a cowherd and played games just like other cowherd boys. He became one among the cowherd boys as He mingled with them. Even though, using His power of illusion He concealed His Supreme Existence, His transcendence was exhibited through His occasional supreme deeds”.

When he behaved like an ordinary cowherd boy he ensured that his transcendence was concealed. Nevertheless, now and then it would be revealed.

“A cowherd boy called Sridhama was a close friend of Balarama and Krishna. Together with other friends such as Subala, Stoka-krishna, Devabhadra he lovingly addressed Krishna and Balarama saying, ‘O Balarama, who with mighty arms causes us great delight! O destroyer of foes, Krishna’!”

Balarama was famous for his mighty shoulders.

“Nearby is an extensive, beautiful forest filled with palm trees. It is our desire to relish the many palm fruits that are lying on the ground there. It is a pity that the dreaded demon Dhenukasura has kept this forest under his control.

O Balarama, O Krishna, listen. This mighty wicked demon has taken on the illusory form of a donkey and wanders through this forest eating away all the fruits and leaves from all trees. Many of his relatives surround him in the form of donkeys. The forest thus is filled with many mighty donkeys, who in prowess are equal to him. Fearing this man-eater demon, humans, animals and birds dread to enter this forest even though it is filled with delicious fruits”.

Although Krishna and Balarama were aware of this forest, these boys now brought it to their notice.

“The friends continued, ‘Any animal, bird or human who accidentally enters this forest never returns alive. The wind carries the sweet smell of the palm fruits from this forest and spreads it in all directions. Although we desire to taste these fruits, fearing for our lives we dare not step in there.

O Krishna, please make available to us this fruit. Their sweet smell attracts our mind. O Balarama, our desire towards those fruits is uncontrollable. If you so desire, please go there and get the fruit’. Hearing this request made by their friends, Balarama and Krishna, who were of unsurpassed might, laughed heartily. Together with friends they began to walk towards that forest and in order to bring joy to their friends, entered the palm grove.

Balarama, who with his huge physique was mighty like a tiny baby elephant, entered the palm grove and violently shook the palm trees with his shoulders causing their fruits to come crashing to the ground. The demon who was in the guise of a donkey heard the sound of the falling fruits”.

The demon was perplexed. It was as if fruits from hundreds of trees were falling simultaneously to the ground. What could be the cause? This sound rudely awakened him from his slumber. Balarama’s might was such that with just one arm he could shake the huge palm tree.

Krishna Jagadiśwara
