SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 07/07/2019
Bhagavatam 0657:Everything exists within the Lord’s womb

Narayana Narayana Srihari

Lord Brahma continued, “O Lord, in this infinite pot known as the vast universal egg that covers the entire creation, what can be the position of this insignificant being, who is situated within the body that measures just seven feet and which comprises of the sheaths known as primordial- nature, cosmic intelligence (mahat), composite egoism (samisti ahamkara), space, wind, fire, water and earth?

Each universal egg is to You, the size of an infinitesimal atom. Innumerable such eggs exist within You. There are as many universal eggs as the number of sand particles in a desert. Counting the sand particles is akin to asking the person to playfully retain the Sun and the Moon in his pockets. Is it possible? Similar to the innumerable dust particles that are visible in the Sunrays that seep through the windows, these innumerable Universal eggs float in a strand of hair on Your body”.

Observe the Sunrays entering through the window. In every ray innumerable dust particles, each of which is the size of a miniscule atom, are seen floating. Even though each dust particle is miniscule, it has its own speciality. It has its own measurement. Here the Universal eggs are being compared to the dust particles. Just as innumerable dust particles float in one ray, innumerable Universal eggs float in one strand of His body hair. What is my position in the presence of Your infinite greatness?

“O Lord Srihari, Your original form is beyond the perception of the senses. It is beyond understanding. When the foetus kicks the mother will any mother take offence?”

The foetus kicks the mother continually, when it moves, laughs or weeps. It kicks when it is hungry, while the mother is eating and also after the mother has her food. In the foetus all emotions are visible. This is the nature of the Lord’s creation. Some of its kicks are violent. Yet no mother considers it an offence. Contrary to it, she is thrilled that the foetus is moving. She is happy that it is listening to bhajans and to discourses of Swamiji. She believes that it sings bhajans along with her. Many devotees take pride in this. Neither does the mother feel the pain nor insult when the foetus kicks her.

“Similarly, in Your womb there is absolutely nothing which can be defined within the terms ‘existent’ and ‘non-existent’.”

Everything that exists is You. Everything that doesn’t exist is also You. You are the Universal egg. You retain everything within Your womb. All the innumerable Earths that exist, the countless star constellations and galaxies are all situated in Your womb. Within Your infinite womb, you host innumerable Universal eggs. You exist within the creation and also outside of it. It is You who exists outside the creation; it is You who exists within the creation. That which exists is You. That which doesn’t exist is also You.

Through such prayer, Brahma is completely self-surrendering to the Lord. I too exist within You, O Lord. Standing within Your womb I am conversing with You. Even the illusion that I had cast was when I was situated within Your womb.

“Just as a mother forgives her foetus, kindly pardon me for this mistake of mine”.

Kindly forgive me for having troubled You. In this one second, which is equivalent of one year on Earth, I have erred against You. How negligent I was! I have erred against You who have incarnated on Earth for its upliftment. I have wasted Your time. Due to this I have incurred sin. Your time is so precious. No one knows at which moment and for whose safety who are working; no one knows whom you are protecting in this vast universe at this minute. I have wasted such precious time of Yours which You use for the well-being and protection of others in the creation. You had to waste one second out of Your precious time solely due to my antics. O Lord, I made You wander through the forests searching for the calves and boys even when You were holding the morsel of curd rice in Your hands. Why did I commit such a grave mistake? Due to this You had to manifest in the form of all these boys and calves and enact like them during this period. I now regret my mistakes. Kindly pardon me.

“During time of dissolution, the waters of all the oceans merged and swelled, submerging all the three worlds. At that time, from the navel of Lord Sriman Narayana who was asleep in those waters a lotus stem emerged”.

Narayana Narayana
