SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 07/07/2019
Bhagavatam 0655:Brahma glorifies the Supreme Lord

Narayana Krishna

Brahma continued, “O Lord, You are undefeatable. Nevertheless, those who, while residing in their abodes, dedicate their ears to listening Your transcendental glories being narrated by noble saints, who recollect them repeatedly and who sing Your glories, while leading lives with absolute purity in mind, body and speech, are able to conquer You and merge into You. Such persons totally give up even the efforts required to obtain spiritual knowledge (enlightenment). The necessity to put in special efforts to obtain Spiritual Knowledge does not exist for those who dedicate their bodies, mind and speech towards Your transcendental glories”.

It is enough if the person listens to the Lord’s transcendental stories, sings or narrates them. It is enough if he thinks about You eternally. He does not have to put in special efforts to acquire Spiritual Knowledge. It is imperative however for them to have unflinching devotion towards Him. They should have the attitude of sacrifice. Then, the divine stories themselves bestow them with Spiritual Knowledge. The divine name (nama) itself is Supreme Knowledge. It itself is the Supreme Lord. Chanting His divine name leads to Spiritual Knowledge.

“O Lord, just as pounding empty heap of husk is nothing but a waste of energy, the efforts to acquire Spiritual Knowledge while discarding devotion towards You, the bestower of all auspiciousness, will end up as a wasteful exercise. There will be no gain but only pain.”

What will a person gain by pounding empty husk that are devoid of grain? It is only a wasteful exertion. No grain will be obtained. Likewise, many people chase Spiritual Knowledge and struggle to obtain it when devotion towards the Lord is totally missing in them.

That person who focuses upon you believing You to be everything , and thinks of you while merging the mind into You day and night, obtains you.

The person who lacks devotion towards the Lord, who fails to think of Him and yet tries to acquire Spiritual Knowledge through debates, reasoning or study of scriptures can never obtain Him. From this it is evident that devotion plays a very crucial role. Those who strive for obtaining Spiritual Knowledge and enlightenment eventually have to walk on the path of devotion.

Remember that there is nothing wrong in trying to obtain Spiritual Knowledge. As far as acquisition of knowledge is concerned, they are undoubtedly great. However, even for them it is imperative to latch on to the path that enables them to quickly reach the Lord rather than focussing on debates, reasoning, arguments etc. which lead nowhere. This is what Shankara-bhagavadpada declares in Bhaja Govindam. ‘What is gained by focussing on grammar? Instead learn to focus on the Lord and chant his name. Chant the nama Govinda’- he says. This is because mere focus on acquiring knowledge remains a sheer waste of energy with no resultant benefit. The moment the person tries for this Knowledge, he should strive for increasing his devotion. Struggling to obtain enlightenment in the absence of devotion towards the Supreme is a waste of resources and hence has been compared to pounding empty husk.

“O infinite Lord! You eternally remain in Your original form”.

What is the difference between swa-swaroopa and Swapna-roopa? Swaroopa means original form. Imagined form is Swapna-roopa. Swa-swaroopa refers to the original form and not the imagined form.

“Although You are visible here in the imagined form (Swapna roopa), You stand here in Your original form (swa-swaroopa). Previously, in this world, many Yogis have surrendered all their actions to You in entirety and obtained mental purity”.

This is what Bhagavad Gita teaches. Surrender all your actions to the Lord. I will take care of you. Following this technique all Mahatmas surrendered their actions totally to the Lord and obtained mental purity.

Lord Brahma continued, “This mental purity enabled the saints to merge into You. Through listening to Your transcendental glories they have, through their devotion, become close to You. Their devotion enabled them to easily understand Your Supreme Essence and obtain liberation. O infinite Lord! Only those who possess a pure mind can understand Your transcendence which is devoid of all attributes (nirguna)”.

Only those who possess a pure mind, a truthful mind and an unflinching, unwavering mind can understand His Supreme Essence or His Supreme form!

“Your transcendental glory, which cannot be understood through the mind and senses, can be understood only as a form of the Self (atma roopa)”.

His transcendence is beyond the grasp of the body, mind or senses. Since the Supreme Lord exists in the form of the inner Self, He can be understood only as such.

‘Supreme Knowledge is indivisible. This knowledge, which is devoid of any mental modifications, exists only as a form of Self-experience.

O Lord, You are the presiding deity for the three attributes and in reality exist beyond them (gunateeta). You cannot be obtained through any attribute (guna). Even then, You willingly accept attributes and incarnate for the well-being of the world.

Perhaps exceptionally clever people can count the sand particles on Earth, the stars in the sky or dew particles in the air, but it is impossible for any living entity to count Your attributes”.

Narayana Krishna Srihari
