SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 07/07/2019
Bhagavatam 0651: Brahma is awe-struck at Krishna’s illusion

Narayana Krishna

Maharishi Śuka continued, “The perplexed Brahma stared in awe at Krishna and the boys who surrounded Him. For a while he could not fathom what was happening. It then dawned on him that the Lord’s illusion had swallowed up the illusion created by him!

At that moment, even as Brahma was watching, the thousands of cowherd boys suddenly appeared in a complexion resembling dark bluish-black clouds. They were draped in yellow silken garments.

Catur-bhujāḥ śaṅkha-cakra- gadā-rājīva-pāṇayaḥ

Kirīṭinaḥ kuṇḍalino hāriṇo vana-mālinaḥ

Aha! What wonderful description!

All the boys now possessed four arms. They were holding a conch, discus, mace and lotus in each of their hands. Glittering crowns adorned their heads. Sparkling earrings decorated their ears. Lovely chains and garlands made from forest flowers adorned their necks”.

Krishna was showing to Brahma the real form of these boys who had encircled Him.

“The Srivatsa mark glittered on their chests”.

Swamiji explains: What we are hearing is a divine darshan given by the Supreme Lord. It is a maha darshan! My body horripilates as I explain. Brahma saw millions of Krishnas simultaneously! Every living entity in this creation appeared as Krishna. The Supreme Lord was dispelling spiritual ignorance (ajnana) which had clouded Brahma’s intellect and was showering him with Supreme Essence (Jnana). Brahma’s ego was getting destroyed. We are now listening to that divine darshan obtained by Brahma.

Catur-bhujāḥ - All the boys appeared with four hands.

Śaṅkha-cakra- gadā-rājīva-pāṇayaḥ - They were holding conch, discus, mace and lotus in their four hands.

Kirīṭinaḥ kuṇḍalino – All of them were illumining radiantly with their glittering crowns and earrings

Hāriṇo vana-mālinaḥ - All of them were wearing chains and flower garlands.

Aha! Everywhere only Krishna was to be seen. After all, everything in the universe is His creation. It is an illusion created by Him.

“Divine armlets adorned their arms. On their wrists, were gem-studded bracelets containing three lines akin to a conch. Their ankles were decorated with beautiful anklets and bangles. On their waists were waist-belts made of thread. Their fingers were ornamented with glittering rings. The boys were all glowing radiantly.

All their limbs from neck to toe were covered with garlands made of tender, fresh tulasi (basil) leaves offered by pious devotees engaged in meritorious activities. These boys, who were casting sideward glances with their reddish eyes resembling the traits of action (rajo guna), were glowing divinely like the creators who shower blessings upon the devotees”.

Aha! How divine! There was nothing but Krishna. Only He was to be seen.

“With their charming tender smiles that resembled the pure traits (sattva guna) akin to moonshine, these boys glowed like the protectors who govern this entire universe. Showing the abhaya mudra (symbol of assurance) with their hands, they, who were embodiments of compassion, were glowing in their complete form. All living entities, including the moving and non-moving entities, beginning from a blade of grass and right up to Brahma, were worshipping these boys separately through song, dance or through other different methods of worship.

The eight supernatural accomplishments (Aṇima, Laghima, Prāpti, Prākāmya, Mahima, Iśatva, Vaśitva and Kāmāvasāyita); the illusory energy (māya shakti), the energy of action and other energies in the creation; the twenty four principles of creation comprising of Mahat (cosmic intelligence), sutra, composite egoism, mind, the five organs of perception (sense organs); the five organs of action (hands, legs, speech, reproductive organ and excretory organ); the five basic elements (earth, water, fire, wind and space) as well as the five subtle sensory perceptions (sound, touch, form, taste and smell) had all taken on forms and were encircling these boys.

“Brahma noticed these boys surrounded by the all the various principles and energies of creation. Eternal time (kāla), individual nature (swabhāva), subtle impressions of past actions (samskāra), desires, fruitive actions, the three attributes of Nature (trigunas) together with materials and their characteristics had taken on a form and were worshipping these boys.

All the events that had happened in the homes of the cowherds and the love shown by them and their families towards their sons were visible in totality to Brahma. This faded in the presence of these boys”.

All this love and other events appeared insignificant in the presence of these boys. It had now merged into the boys.

“All the boys appeared as embodiments of the supreme principle of Sacchidananda i.e. truth (sat), knowledge/ consciousness (cit) and bliss (ananda), which are beyond all forms of limitations. Even the greatest erudite scholars well-versed in Upanishads fail to understand the true form of these boys!”

No living entity can ever understand the Supreme Essence. They can only merge into the Essence, that’s all. This is undoubtedly true.

“In this way, Brahma simultaneously saw all the boys and the calves as manifestations of the Supreme Lord Śrikrishna”.

After all, Śrikrishna is the creator of the entire universe. Everything stems from Him alone. He Himself is the illusion. What can I, who am nothing but a speck that has manifested from Him, accomplish? What is it that insignificant forces can achieve? They can do nothing barring merging into Him. Brahma saw all the calves and the boys manifest as forms of the Supreme Lord. In reality, it was nothing but his own original form. The Supreme Lord, who has created Brahma, is superior to Brahma. Such Supreme Lord resides within everyone!

“The entire universe which comprises of moving as well as non-moving entities glows only due to the effulgence of that Supreme Lord. Totally shaken due to astonishment, the eleven senses of Brahma remained motionless. Brahma stood there motionless like a doll”.

Narayana Narayana
