SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 07/07/2019

Bhagavatam 0653:Brahma realizes his folly

We had discussed that Brahma, who during the process of creation, had assumed oneness with the characters he was creating, had fallen into delusion and that the compassionate Lord had freed him from it.

By Puttuadmin1 on 07/07/2019

Bhagavatam 0655:Brahma glorifies the Supreme Lord

Narayana Krishna Brahma continued, “O Lord, You are undefeatable. Nevertheless, those who, while residing in their abodes, dedicate their ears to listening Your transcendental glories being narrated by noble saints, who recollect them repeatedly and who sing Your glories, while leading lives with absolute purity in mind, body and speech, are able to conquer You and merge into You.

By Puttuadmin1 on 07/07/2019

Bhagavatam 0656:Brahma prays to Lord Śrikrishna..contd.

Narayana Krishna Brahma prayed, ‘“Perhaps exceptionally intelligent people can count the sand particles on Earth or the stars in the sky or dew particles in the air, but it is impossible for any living entity to count Your attributes”.

By Puttuadmin1 on 07/07/2019

Bhagavatam 0657:Everything exists within the Lord’s womb

Narayana Narayana Srihari Lord Brahma continued, “O Lord, in this infinite pot known as the vast universal egg that covers the entire creation, what can be the position of this insignificant being, who is situated within the body that measures just seven feet and which comprises of the sheaths known as primordial- nature, cosmic intelligence (mahat), composite egoism (samisti ahamkara), space, wind, fire, water and earth?