Bhagavatam 0605:Yashoda decides to tie Krishna to a stone mortar
“Little Krishna looked at his mother feigning fright. Seeing him trembling, Yashoda threw the stick she held and instead decided to tie him in order to punish him.
“Little Krishna looked at his mother feigning fright. Seeing him trembling, Yashoda threw the stick she held and instead decided to tie him in order to punish him.
“As Yashoda began to tie him with the rope, she realized that the rope was short by a length of two fingers”.
Maharishi Śuka continued, “The Gopikas who were witnessing this incident laughed at Yashoda.
“Even the great Gods Brahma and Rudra, or even Lakshmi, who has sought shelter within the body of the Supreme Lord, failed to obtain this ultimate blessing which the Gopika called Yashoda obtained from Srihari, the Lord who bestows liberation!
Tenth Canto Chapter Ten In this chapter, Krishna felling the two gigantic Arjuna trees and granting redemption to the cursed Demi-gods is covered.
Narayana Intoxication due to wealth caused Nalakubera and Manigriva, the sons of Kubera, to turn blind.
Poverty is the eye ointment which bestows wisdom upon the arrogant, who is blinded due to opulence enjoyed by this gross body.
“Yathā kaṇṭaka-viddhāṅgo jantor necchati tāṁ vyathām Jīva-sāmyaṁ gato liṅgair na tathāviddha-kaṇṭakaḥ
Krishna Maharishi Nārada thought, “In this world, arrogance and pride do not exist in the poor.