Bhagavatam 0569: The death of Putana
The Gopikas continued to pray seeking the well-being of infant Krishna.
The Gopikas continued to pray seeking the well-being of infant Krishna.
Madhavaya namah Tenth Canto Chapter Seven In this chapter, the death of demon Shakataśura and the elevation of Tṛnavarta are covered.
Maharishi Śuka continued, “The day infant Krishna flipped over and slept on his tummy, was a day of festivity in Gokula.
Maharishi Śuka continued, “On the day Krishna flipped over, Nanda and Yashoda gifted raw food grains, ornaments, clothing and healthy cows to Vedic Brahmins and thus honoured them”.
Govindaya namah Maharishi Śuka continued, “Little Krishna fell asleep. Placing him in a cloth swing beneath a bullock-cart, Yashoda went in to receive the guests.
Narayana Maharishi Śuka continued, “Mother Yashoda wept that her son had been afflicted by evil planets.
Vamanaya namah Maharishi Śuka continued, “Trṇāvarta came in the form of a forceful whirlwind and carried into the skies, the infant who was sitting on the floor.
Sandstorms have the ability to blow away rooftops and carry entire homes with them.
Keshavaya namah Maharishi Śuka continued, “Like demon Tripurasura who, in the past, had been pierced by Lord Shiva’s arrow, this demon Tŗṇāvarta came crashing down from the skies.