SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on
Bhagavatam 0643:Saints glorify the Lord through every word they utter

Tenth Canto Chapter Thirteen

In this chapter, Lord Brahma getting deluded is covered.

Maharishi Śuka said to Emperor Parikshit, “O King! You are supremely fortunate! Being the most supreme among the devotees of the Lord, you could ask a very pertinent question. This is because even after repeatedly listening to the glories of the Lord, through your questioning you are bringing in newer aspects in His divine glories”.

You have been repeatedly enquiring about the Lord’s activities. Nevertheless, through each of your questions you are bringing in newness to the story. Each question of yours is unique in itself.

“Due to your questioning, more and more transcendental glories of the Lord are being brought forth which makes the story even more delightful.”

Due to this questioning, newer transcendental pastimes of the Lord are being brought out. His various activities are coming to our knowledge, due to which the story becomes interesting.

“Through every word they speak, saintly persons glorify the Lord”.

Remember this always. Saintly persons glorify the Lord through every word of theirs. They eternally speak about the Lord. Whatever be the subject, they tune it such that it glorifies the Lord. Their ears eternally listen to His glories. The ears of a true devotee refuse to hear any subject barring the glories of the Lord. His mind eternally meditates upon Srihari. Trying to understand the Supreme Essence is his inherent nature. His sole goal is to understand the Supreme Essence.

“A womanizer delights in listening about women”.

Topics about boys are loved by girls and vice-versa. Unmarried boys and girls are even more inclined towards such topics. There is nothing new in this.

“Likewise, to ardent devotees, topics pertaining to Srikrishna appear newer at every moment. They are attached to such topics.

O King! Please listen attentively. What you have enquired is a very confidential subject. Even then I shall explain it to you, because Gurus explain even those subjects that are considered extremely secretive to disciples who show utmost love and dedication”.

Gurus consider very dear to them those disciples who show extreme love and dedication and hence do not hesitate to impart even the most confidential subject to them. These disciples are willing to sacrifice their life for their Guru. They feel extremely indebted to Him. At every second they take great precaution to ensure that no harm comes to their Guru. While protecting themselves and while performing Guru seva, they lead their lives.

“Parikshit, your love melts me. Hence I shall now explain that subject which is extremely confidential. Listen to what I say.

Krishna revived all the calves and the cowherd boys who had died in the abdomen of demon Aghasura. He then brought them all to the banks of River Yamuna and said,

‘My dear friends! Just observe how pleasant and peaceful this sandy river bed is. With its purity and softness, this vast river bed is ideal for our games and for our leisure pastimes’.

The sandy river beds fill us with astonishment. What could have caused the sand particles to remain dry without sticking to one other? For trillions of years the rocks would have remained submerged in the waters. For innumerable years they would have drifted in the water and deposited on the bed. This gives it the gleam. It remains dry and is ideally suited for games.

‘The plentiful lotuses that bloom here make it appear as if the waterbody itself is blooming. The fragrance from these lotuses attracts all the birds and bees, which play in the waters. Their playful chirps reverberate in all directions. This pond, which is surrounded by beautiful forests, glows pleasantly. Therefore I think we should have our picnic-lunch at this spot’.

The boys who had set out for a picnic early that morning had not yet had their lunch. Even before their lunch time, they had encountered demon Aghasura. Some children had carried curd rice, some rice porridge along with pickle and so on.

Does your mouth water upon hearing about food? Let us now enjoy the picnic lunch along with them.

“Krishna continued, ‘It is already late in the noon. All of you are famished. Let the calves quench their thirst by drinking water from this pond and then graze in the nearby green meadow, while we have our lunch here’.

All the boys agreed. They allowed the calves to drink water and thereafter tied them to trees which were surrounded by grasses so that they could graze. Some calves were let loose in those green belts. They then opened their lunch boxes and sat down together with Krishna for their picnic lunch. All the boys encircled Srikrishna and sat in close proximity to Him. They began to enjoy their food.”

Aha! The fortunate boys had the chance to touch Krishna, to be with Him, to talk to Him, play with Him, fight with Him and eat along with Him. What to say of their fortune?

“The eyes of all the boys gleamed. With their illumining eyes and beautiful bodies, they resembled Krishna. They were all soaked in bliss. Some boys used flowers as their lunch plates, while some used leaves, some used barks and some used tender shoots. Some placed food on their palms and ate. All of them were delightedly enjoying their lunch. Some boys ate directly from their lunch boxes, while some used rocks, fruits and flowers as the lunch plates”.

Some boys used tree barks. Some boys placed their food directly on rocks. Some kept it on large flowers. A deep significance is contained within selection of these different lunch plates. Every game the Lord played with the cowherd boys and every step he walked along with them has deep spiritual significance. A lot of Vedanta is contained in it.

“The boys offered to their friends a taste of the food they had brought from their homes”.

Krishna Krishna
