SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on
Bhagavatam 0640:Killing of demon Aghasura


“Having entered Aghasura’s throat, Krishna began to grow immensely huge. He, who is the father of this universe, is bigger than this universe. As such He began to grow rapidly covering the throat of the gigantic demon and blocking the path taken by the life-force. The demon who could not breathe, could no longer survive. His eyes popped out and his body began to swing involuntarily. The wind which was trapped within his body, burst out by creating a hole in the top of his head and escaped from there”.

When Krishna blocked the path, inner wind was trapped within his body. Aghasura was no tiny animal. He was a gigantic demon whose head touched the skies and as such, within his body, large quantities of wind was trapped. This wind which was trapped burst out by creating an opening on the top of his head.

“Through this opening on the top of his head, his life-force escaped. The demon lay dead. The boys and the calves who had entered the demon’s abdomen had all died in that hollow dark passage due to lack of oxygen and also due to the intolerable heat therein.

The Supreme Lord Krishna, who is an epitome of compassion, mercifully glanced at all the boys and the calves that lay dead. With this they were instantaneously restored to life. Then the Lord, together with all the calves and the boys, walked out from the demon’s mouth.

Then, from the body of that gigantic demon, a great effulgence emerged. It was unbelievably bright! It stood in the skies illuminating all the ten directions. It had remained within the demon’s dead body until Krishna, together with all his associates, had exited from the body. Then it rushed out forcefully. Even as the Devatas stared at it in great astonishment, this illumination entered Krishna and merged into him”.

Isn’t this astonishing?

“The Devatas, who were celebrating the death of this dreaded demon, now worshipped Krishna by raining flowers upon Him. Apsaras danced in the skies. Gandharvas sang melodiously. Vidyadharas, who eternally hold musical instruments, played them melodiously. Maharishis chanted the auspicious Vedic hymns. Many attendants of the Lord began to shout victory slogans. Thus, through the rendering of auspicious songs, musical instruments, Vedic chants and victory slogans, the denizens of all worlds celebrated the moment. These auspicious chants and sounds travelled from Earth up to Brahma loka, the residence of Lord Brahma.

Hearing these auspicious celebratory sounds, Lord Brahma could no longer remain seated in Brahma loka. He immediately arrived to witness the celebrations. He was deeply astonished when he witnessed this transcendental sport of Lord Krishna.

The skin of the dead python then dried up and remained there like an artificial mountain cave. For a long time thereafter, the residents of Brindavana would visit this cave and play within it”.

Residents of Brindavana would frequently visit this artificial cave for their picnics and get-togethers. It was large enough to accommodate them all. It protected them from rains.

“In this way, when Krishna was five years old, He saved the cowherd boys who had entered the python’s mouth, from the jaws of death”.

At the time when he saved these boys and killed the demon, Krishna was a tiny boy who was just five years of age. This was that tender age when His delicate walk brought delight to one and all! He had a charming tender face.

“The Lord had killed Aghasura and freed him from his sufferings. He merged him into himself. The cowherd boys who witnessed this were stupefied and speechless. A year after this incident, in other words when Krishna was six-years old, they revealed it to the residents of Brindavana”.

A year later they would disclose the details of the incident to their parents and relatives of Brindavana. The transcendental sports of the Lord when he was four-years old, they disclosed when he turned five. The residents of Brindavana would compose songs and through them glorify these deeds of Krishna. The life-story of little Krishna was their only song which they would joyfully sing all day long. It itself was their hymn. Their life revolved around this. His accomplishments and his actions were the theme for all their songs and plays.

“The Supreme Lord himself has created this entire universe beginning from Brahma and extending right up to the trees and insects”.

Right from the oceans, trees and mountains, every other object in this creation is created by Him alone! Krishna is the Lord who has created not just this Earth, but innumerable galaxies.

