SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on
Bhagavatam 0623:The meeting of the elders


Upananda addressed his fellow residents saying, “If truly we all seek the well-being of Gokula, then without delay we should shift our residence from here. This is because the evil omens being spotted indicate the destruction of the children here.

We have witnessed that umpteen times Krishna narrowly escaped from the clutches of demons who were out to kill infants. Srihari’s abundant grace upon him prevented the cart from directly toppling upon him. Some demon had entered that cart, else, without any apparent reason how could a cart fly high up in the sky before crashing down?

These inauspicious omens are frightening. Most often, it is little Krishna who is getting into trouble. It is therefore our duty to safeguard him. Did we not see how the demon Tŗṇavarta carried Krishna up into the skies to those areas where birds fly? Who knows what harm he intended? It is our luck that the demon died leaving Krishna on the stone slab here. Let us therefore move away from here without delay”.

Even to-date don’t many people shift homes as the previous home brought them ill-luck or unforeseen difficulties? They will either buy a new property or rent it. ‘We performed many yagnas and homas; many saints also visited this home. Nevertheless, this house was inauspicious for us. We have thus decided to move away from here’.

Upananda continued, “It was the grace of the Supreme Lord that Krishna emerges safely from all calamities. All the Devatas have been protecting him. Is it not our fortune that neither Krishna nor any of his playmates died when the two gigantic trees came crashing down recently? The fact that none of them was even injured indicates that the Lord is protecting this boy.

In my opinion, before any major misfortune strikes Gokula and before any other demon attacks, we should, together with our families and children, leave Gokula and move far away. Let us all abandon this hamlet.

Vanaṁ vṛndāvanaṁ nāma paśavyaṁ nava-kānanam

Gopa-gopī-gavāṁ sevyaṁ puṇyādri-tṛṇa-vīrudham

There is a renowned forest known as Brindavana. With greenery everywhere, that forest is best suited for cattle. Demons won’t even get an inkling of our presence there. The forest, which is thriving with many newer varieties of trees that grow close to each other, is very suitable for human settlement. Like a fortress it will guard us. The cowherds along with their wives and children will be safe and peaceful in that forest. Our animals will be happy there. Many sacred mountains surround this place. The forest is replete with many trees, plants, medicinal herbs and grasses. Many ponds and lakes abound that forest. Let us relocate there.”

In that era, they were always blessed with adequate and timely rainfall. Water was never a problem. Erratic rainfall is witnessed only in this present period of Kali-yuga. Excessive rains during off-season, scanty rainfall during monsoons, fully ripened crops being lost due to rains, seeds being washed away due to untimely rains, the entire crop together with their roots being carried away by rain waters- all these take place only during Kali-yuga. It rains in deserts, which are supposed to remain dry, while places which are subject to heavy rainfall remain dry.

This is the effect of pollution. Instead of purifying our environment, we are all dirtying it. When the atmosphere is pure and clean, in general good health will be visible. Where the house is kept clean, all the members are healthy. Bodily cleanliness grants good health. Where the village or township is kept clean and garbage free, all the residents will enjoy good health.

We should protect our forests. Deforestation affects rainfall. Trees are being used to carve furniture for our comforts. They are being cut indiscriminately in order to make way for high-rises. Although the Government has laid rules regarding construction of buildings, how many actually abide by these rules? We extend the built-up area of the house far beyond the Government specified limits and then pay bribes to escape the law.

Indiscriminately we chop off a valuable tree. We do not take any permission before chopping it. In case you cut one tree, then at another place plant ten trees. It is our duty to keep our environment clean. Trees reduce pollution and purify the air. The levels of oxygen increase. Breathing pure air reduces the chances of heart attacks and other diseases. Most of our diseases are because we are living in concrete jungles. Construction has become endless in every city.

