SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on
Bhagavatam 0622:Sighting ill-omens in Gokula


“One morning Nanda and other elderly residents of Gokula spotted many inauspicious omens in the forests adjacent to Gokula. Many of them saw inauspicious dreams. Everywhere around them they spotted inauspicious omens”.

Unlike the present era, every hamlet of that era was surrounded extensively by forests. These days forests are vanishing quickly. Houses are constructed on trees, beneath trees and even in the hollows of the trees. They also build houses beneath the roots. The cemeteries in New Orleans have their own story. Here the dead are buried one above another due to lack of space. The buildings housing them are high rises.

In China they say there is a saint who migrated from India. Even after thousand years his body has not decomposed. It remains intact due to a special embalming technique. It is said that not even an organ of his has decomposed over the period. Isn’t it astonishing? The entire world is stupefied with it.

“Terrified of the inauspicious omens noticed, all the residents assembled at a place. They discussed of ways by which Gokula could be saved from any calamity”.

In the days of the past, every home was supported by huge wooden beams. If suddenly a beam made a crackling noise, the alerted members would instantly rush outdoors. Even if they were asleep, this sound was like a warning bell and they would instantly wake up and run outdoors. In a short while, the beam would crash with a deafening noise. Can’t this crackling of the beam be considered an omen? It is immaterial to us whether it was a superstition or a real omen, but the fact is that people of those days had immense faith in it.

Likewise, the residents of Gokula were alerted on sighting inauspicious omens and they were preparing to face the imminent calamity that would attack the hamlet. Just as fire follows a smoke, a calamity always follows inauspicious omens, they believed. Hence they were eager to take the precautionary measures.

“In this meeting, was a wise cowherd called Upananda, who in age and in knowledge was senior to them all. He was well-versed in the knowledge of the happenings based on the time and situation. He was a master in this knowledge of omens. He always sought the well-being of Balarama and Krishna”.

Many true devotees of the Lord perform worship in the Lord’s name seeking His well-being. Some devotees perform worship for the well-being of their Sadguru. ‘My Guru should be healthy; I pray for His well-being; He should live for 200 years’- this is their line of thinking. They perform worship in Swamiji’s name in every temple they visit. Some among them offer the first worship in Swamiji’s name and then perform another worship in their name. when asked, ‘Why did you buy so many homa tickets?’, they reply, ‘This is in Swamiji’s name, this is in my name, this is for my elder son, this ticket is for my younger son, ….’

This year we have undertaken to complete one lakh Ganapati homas. Devotees participate in this by purchasing tickets in their names, in the names of their children, grandchildren and extended family members.

Similar to them was Upananda who along with praying for himself prayed for the well-being of Balarama and Krishna. He prayed for their good health.
