SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on
Bhagavatam 0619:Krishna blesses the fruit vendor

Srihari Krishna!

“The Supreme Lord who had incarnated as Krishna acted like a normal human child and like a small wooden puppet, became a toy in the hands of the Gopikas. At the behest of the Gopikas, on some mornings Krishna would dance while the Gopikas would encourage him by clapping and cheering plentifully. On other days, He would sing loudly for them while they clapped.

One some days, Gopikas would issue orders to Krishna. Hearing their commands, He would fetch the wooden plank, sandals and measuring cups as sought by them and would deliver to them. In this way, the Lord would complete the tiny errands given to him”.

When the Gopikas asked him to fetch the wooden plank, He would run and fetch it. When they wanted Him to fetch a pot, He would oblige. They considered the Lord to be a human child and just as we give small errands to the little ones in our homes, they gave Him tiny errands. It was their fortune that they extracted work from the Lord of all Lords. How fortunate were they! Who can estimate the extent of penance they would have undertaken in their past births to be blessed with the fortune? For zillions of years they would have sat in penance meditating upon the Supreme Lord. If not, how could they obtain this chance wherein the Lord would fetch objects for them, including their sandals? Aha! How beautiful!

“On other days, in order to bring joy to them all, He would pat his thigh with His hand just as wrestlers do, and show them His might. Else He would pat the muscles on His upper arm to show His strength.

Through these activities, Krishna wanted to prove to pure devotees, who are aware of the Lord’s glory, that He remains in the sway of his dearest devotees”.

The way He danced and sang for them; the manner in which He completed errands for them and entertained them with His childish pranks are all proofs. He is an ocean of bliss. He thus brought bliss to all the inhabitants of Gokula. Through His every action and every game, He showered bliss upon thousands of people.

“One morning, a fruit-seller came to the town shouting, “Fruits! Fruits! If you want to buy fruits, please come here.” Her shouts reached the ears of little Krishna. Immediately this Supreme Lord who delivers the resultant fruits for the actions of every living entity based on its destiny, walked towards her. He carried in his tiny hands a few grains which he wanted to exchange for the fruits (barter).”.

Barter was common in those days.

“As it is Krishna had tender tiny hands. He was holding a fistful of grains in His hand, but then as He walked, the grains were slipping on the path. By the time He reached the fruit-vendor, barely 5-6 grains were left in His hand, but yet, He was feeling so important as if He had carried a basket full of grains to offer her. Seeing his tender, tiny face, the fruit-vendor lovingly accepted the few grains he offered and in exchange, filled both his hands with plentiful fruits. She then went away.”

How fortunate was she! Was she a Goddess or was it an illusion? Who could be this fortunate woman? In great delight she accepted the few grains from his hand and in return joyfully filled his hand with lots of fruits.

“A little distance later she checked her basket, and to her surprise, it was filled with many precious stones! Gold, rubies and diamonds were filled therein! All of them were glittering radiantly. The Lord had blessed her with prosperity.

After felling the giant Arjuna trees, one morning, Krishna along with Balarama and other friends went to the banks of River Yamuna to play. All of them were spending time joyfully, when Rohini arrived there asking Balarama and Krishna to return home. The brothers who were so immersed in their games did not return to mother Rohini, even after she had called them umpteen times”.

Such rapt attention is seen in kids who build sand castles. Likewise, here Balarama and Krishna did not listen to her when she asked them to return.

