SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on
Bhagavatam 0618:The bewildered residents of Gokula


Maharishi Śuka continued,

“The cowherds of Gokula watched Krishna who was dragging his stone chariot. They could not understand that Krishna was the cause for the trees to fall. Hence in great bewilderment they watched the two gigantic trees that had fallen and discussed as to the possible causes behind their fall.

‘What could have caused the trees to crash exactly at the time Krishna was walking past them? Could it be the task of some demon who was trying to crush this boy? What would have been his fate had the trees fallen upon him? It was his fortune that he was walking in-between the trees and thus he narrowly escaped getting crushed’- thinking thus, they were cursing Kamsa who was responsible for all such evil incidents and were, in great amazement and perplexity, looking at Krishna who had narrowly escaped death. The cowherds considered this to be an inauspicious omen and hence were terrified.

The children who were playing in the vicinity reported, ‘Krishna is responsible for the fall of the trees. He forcefully dragged the stone mortar between the trees causing them to crash. Not just that. We saw two divine beings emerging from those trees. They were standing in the skies and talking to Krishna’.

The cowherds of Gokula nonetheless refused to believe that a small boy could fell two gigantic trees. Some presumed that the stone mortar rolled on its own and having banged against the trees, caused them to fall while Krishna, who was tied to it, ran along and escaped by passing amidst the trees. Based on their knowledge, some cowherds made crude mystical estimations using pumpkins, areca nut, betel leaves, dolls etc. and concluded that the rolling of the stone mortar caused the trees to fall.

Some concluded that the two divine angels seen by the boys were actually demons who had come to kill Krishna but who had failed in their mission. They thereby concluded that Krishna was not the cause for the fall of the trees and that it was the work of evil Kamsa. While most residents debated upon the possible causes for the fall of the trees, a few believed it to be the work of the Lord. Nevertheless, the Lord through his playful, naughty actions, tried to bewilder such persons so that they would fail to realize His transcendence”.

He ensured the residents of Gokula did not realize He was the Supreme Lord! The Lord creates situations such that the people do not realize His divinity. He confuses them. Here it should be understood that devotees had to overcome such obstacles and evolve to higher stages in their spiritual journey and realize his Godliness through their sadhana. Only then they will obtain God-realization. It is not so easy to obtain liberation, is it?

The residents therefore debated for long. Can it ever be possible for a toddler to fell two gigantic trees? After all, what is his might in front of those gigantic trees? Thus, they were calculating the might of the trees versus the might of a puny boy and concluded that it was beyond his capacity. They refused to pay heed to the emphatic statements being made by other boys.

“A very few among them sincerely believed it was the work of Krishna. They were devotees who were filled with pure, noble traits. They believed it to be an illusion caused by Him alone. Even then, these devotees did not accept the story that two angels had emerged from the trees and had offered obeisance to the Lord.

Nanda saw his little son who was still dragging the stone mortar and was amused. He freed Krishna by cutting the rope.”

He too was bewildered how a stone mortar could fell the two trees. On enquiry, some boys said that Krishna dragged the mortar in between the trees, while some said that the mortar came rolling on its own and banged against the trees. He was confounded. He saw Krishna, who with enormous effort, was dragging the stone mortar to which he was tied.

Through his actions, Krishna confused many. He filled people with doubts. He brought joy to his father. He filled some with ripened devotion. He caused others to believe that demons sent by Kamsa were responsible. He, who is the master of all universes, thus filled them all with varied emotions.

