SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on
Bhagavatam 0616:Krishna liberates the Yakshas who exist as the two Arjuna trees


Maharishi Śuka continued, “The curse of Maharishi Nārada ensured that Yakshas Nalakubera and Maṇigriva, who were extremely egoistic, transformed into two huge Arjuna trees on earth.

Among the ardent devotees of the Lord, Maharishi Nārada occupies the foremost position. In order to ensure that the words of his devotee Maharishi Nārada turn true, the Supreme Lord Srihari, slowly began to inch towards the Arjuna trees dragging His chariot, the stone mortar, behind Him. Having neared the trees, Srikrishna thought,

‘The celestial sage Maharishi Nārada is extremely dear to me. I will therefore fulfill whatever he wanted me to do regarding these two trees. I shall liberate these trees’.

Having thought thus, Srikrishna walked in-between the trees, that were closely situated. However, the stone mortar that He was pulling, could not fit into the gap between the trees. Seeing the stone mortar struck between the two trees, little Krishna held the rope tied around his waist and forcefully pulled the stone mortar. Instantly the two gigantic Arjuna trees were uprooted and with a deafening sound, came crashing down!”

The Lord pulled the rope so tightly that the trees were totally uprooted. When the Lord thus pulls, even illusion can come crashing down. He has the power to make mountains come tumbling down. Such is His transcendence!

“The force used by little Krishna caused the branches, leaves and trunk to vibrate rapidly. The entire tree trembled before crashing. Instantly, from those two trees, emerged two accomplished sages whose bodies glowed like fire that illumined all directions. They were freed from arrogance and traits of passion and were purified totally. They approached Srikrishna, the supreme master of all universes, and reverentially bowed before Him. Folding their hands respectfully, they prayed,

“Kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇa mahā-yogiṁs tvam ādyaḥ puruṣaḥ paraḥ

Vyaktāvyaktam idaṁ viśvaṁ rūpaṁ te brāhmaṇā viduḥ

This is a supreme mantra and can be chanted frequently.

O Srikrishna! O Lord Krishna! You are the greatest mystic. You are the Supreme Self who is the cause for every existence. Exponents in Vedas declare that this universe, which comprises of gross and subtle elements, in nothing but Your form.

Tvam ekaḥ sarva-bhūtānāṁ dehāsv-ātmendriyeśvaraḥ

Tvam eva kālo bhagavān viṣṇur avyaya īśvaraḥ

You are the Lord for the body, senses, the four-fold mind and the life-force of every living entity. You are the time which governs everything. You are the indestructible Lord. You alone manifest as the subtle Nature which comprises of the attributes of goodness, passion and ignorance. You are the cosmic intelligence (Mahat) which emerges from Nature (prakŗti). You are the supreme witnessing consciousness, which is the presiding Lord for Nature (prakŗti).

Within all bodies (kṣetra) You are the inner ruler (kṣetrajna) who remains a witness to all its transformations. Intellect (buddhi) and other transformations, which are the qualities of Nature, are the perceptible objects (drśya). You, O Lord, remain beyond their perception.

In this universe, the living entity is bound with feelings of I-ness towards his body and other objects. Hence none can understand You, who are eternal and transcendental. Illusion has cast its veil everywhere. You are the Lord who pervades everything within and outside.

Tasmai tubhyaṁ bhagavate vāsudevāya vedhase

Ātma-dyota-guṇaiś channa- mahimne brahmaṇe namaḥ

You, O son of Vasudeva, are the supreme creator. You are the Supreme Lord. Goodness (sattva) and other attributes which illumine due to You, cover Your inherent original form. To You, O Supreme Lord, we offer obeisance.

There is nothing to equal Your transcendental deeds, which are beyond the scope of the ordinary. O Lord, although You are devoid of a carrier (body), all those bodies through which Your transcendence manifests, can be considered Your incarnations (bodies). You, the Supreme Master of the four goals of life (puruśārthas), have now incarnated for the ultimate benefit of all living entities i.e. for granting liberation (moksha). This transcendental form of Yours O Lord, is the birthplace for the many partial incarnations that emerge from it. O Lord, You are all-pervading”.

