SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on
Bhagavatam 0594:Yashoda’s flow of thoughts


“In her son’s mouth Yashoda, at one go, saw this entire universe, which stems out of the different characteristics of the subtle body (linga shareera) known as individual entity, spiritual ignorance, eternal time, fruitive actions (karma) and subtle impressions of the fruitive actions (karma vasana). Seeing herself along with the entire hamlet of Gokula in His mouth, Yashoda became doubtful”.

Yashoda was now doubtful. How was it possible to see the entire universe within the mouth of her little son? She thought, ‘What is this? I am seeing myself, my son Krishna and this entire hamlet within his mouth. It appears as if there is another Gokula within his mouth’. With this, she was perplexed. She didn’t know what to say and what to do. She remained speechless.

“Yashoda now began to ponder, “Am I dreaming or is this an illusion? Was it a mistake to ask Krishna to show me his mouth? Is he really my son? How can I see this extra-ordinary universe within his mouth? Am I imagining? Perhaps what I have seen was an illusion. Could it perchance be the illusion cast by the Supreme Lord? It must definitely be the Lord’s illusion, which is said to be fabulous and unimaginable. Or could it be that my intellect has become clouded, causing me to see this creation within his mouth? Was this vision real? Does this universe really exist within his mouth? This is so astonishing. I am unable to say anything. Perhaps, by birth, my son has with him certain mystical powers!”

It is often believed that some persons, due to penance or spiritual practises of past births, are born with a certain degree of mystical knowledge. Here Yashoda too thought that her son perhaps had with him certain mystical powers since birth.

By then Krishna had cast his illusion over her once again. For this reason, she began to doubt whether the vision she had seen was real or illusory. She was wondering if some demon had entered her son’s mouth and was showing some illusory tricks. She wondered whether some celestials had entered his mouth and were showing her their transcendental powers. Her thoughts ran in all directions.

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Yashoda thought, ‘The Lord’s form can never be decisively determined using intelligence. Nor can it be understood perfectly through mind, nor obtained through actions nor can it be described perfectly using speech’.”

The Lord is beyond the limitations of speech. He cannot be obtained through āgama or nigama shastras. He cannot be described completely. He cannot be obtained through any fruitive activity. Neither can he be decisively determined using intelligence. Neither His form, His illusion nor His essence can be understood by the mind. The Supreme Lord is situated beyond every form of limitation! He is beyond intelligence, imagination and even action. In fact, He is beyond everything. Although it appears as if He can be obtained through them, in reality He cannot.

Yashoda continued to think, “Only He, who is beyond the reach of everything, is Paramatma! He alone is the foundational basis for this entire creation. He is the one who pervades through the creation. In His absence, the creation would never have arisen. He, the primordial being, is eternal and is without beginning”.

When this eternal birthless Lord, who inherently is invisible, makes himself visible, it is called birth. He who is invisible is Paramatma. The illumination that pervades this universe itself is Paramātma. Illumination causes us to perceive the universe. However, the illumination itself remains beyond our reach. It appears as if it is within reach, when it is not. The same concept holds good for Supreme Essence too.

From this Lord, who is Pure Consciousness, this universe emerged. It is only due to Him that it illumines. We are able to perceive this creation purely due to Him. In His absence, these objects have no inherent existence and no illumination.

Yet, this Lord cannot be found. He cannot be caught. Can He be obtained using intelligence? No. Can anyone estimate his colour and his height? No. But, the truth is that it is He who creates. This is a strange creation. The Lord cannot be obtained through any means. He is beyond any witness. Then who is this witness? He himself is the witness.

This subject confuses the mind, doesn’t it? It makes us want to pull our hair. However, ponder over it slowly and deeply. We are the living entities who have slipped to the absolute lows of this creation and have taken birth. For this reason, we use our limited intelligence and ask for all minute details.

Jaya Guru Datta.
