SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 19/06/2019
Bhagavatam 0591: Krishna eats mud

Madhavaya namah

All the Gopikas collectively approached Yashoda and said, “O beautiful one! Your son Krishna is always up to some adventurous naughty activities. He is dirtying our homes and messing up the place repeatedly. He breaks all our pots. He is never alone but is accompanied by hordes of friends.

Please do not assume that we dislike him; it is just that we face extreme inconvenience due to his mischief. He, who masterminds various methods to steal butter, externally appears innocent and sober. Seeing his innocent, tender face it is impossible for anyone to believe that he steals mischievously from all our homes. We do not have the heart to scold him either. Furthermore, his innocent face makes it appear as if we are simply casting allegations upon him”.

In this way, all the Gopikas, reported these matters to Yashoda. Krishna who was sitting there listening to their allegations, pretended to be petrified. Seeing him, the Gopikas continued,

“Look at this thief, who, seated there puts on an innocent face as if he is ignorant of what we say! After creating havoc in our lives, he pretends to be innocent.”

In this is contained the essence of the Supreme Lord! It is He who executes everything but at the same time pretends not to be involved in anything. He says everything nevertheless declares that He has said nothing. Here it must be understood that He does not speak untruth. It should also be clearly understood that it is our karma that makes Him speak in that fashion.

“Look how he pretends to be blameless and helpless! Seeing his face who can accuse him of mischief? At times, we do feel like trashing him but we dare not. More importantly, Yashoda, who will ever have the heart to beat your cute little son?”

Maharishi Śuka continued, “Yashoda, who heard all these allegations hurled upon her son, could not contain her laugh. She could not get herself to scold him. She could not be angry with him.

One morning Krishna was playing with his friends, when, Balarama and a few other companions ran to Yashoda complaining, ‘Amma, Krishna is eating fistfuls of mud’.

Worried that her son’s health would be harmed due to eating mud, in great anxiety, Yashoda, who sought the wellbeing of Krishna, rushed to him and held his hand”.

The Lord had covered Yashoda completely with the veil of illusion.

“The moment she held his hand firmly, Krishna looked at her with fearful, anxious, timid eyes as if he was being falsely accused by his playmates”.

When small children are caught doing mischief, they get petrified. They project innocent eyes and fearful face, as if they were totally blameless.

“Yashoda raised her voice saying, ‘Krishna! Don’t you have any control over your mouth? Why did you stealthily eat mud?’

It implies- do you lack control over your senses? Did your mouth crave for mud?

“These children, including your elder brother, who seek your well-being, have reported that you have eaten mud’ scolded Yashoda.

What could be the significance behind eating mud when plenty of other edible items were available?

Krishna replied,

Nāhaṁ bhakṣitavān amba sarve mithyābhiśaṁsinaḥ

Yadi satya-giras tarhi samakṣaṁ paśya me mukham

nāhaṁ bhakṣitavān amba O Mother, I have not eaten mud. Who says I have eaten mud?

sarve mithyābhiśaṁsinaḥ: All these boys accuse me for no fault of mine.

yadi satya-giras tarhi samakṣaṁ paśya me mukham : If you believe these boys speak the truth, then look into my mouth and check for yourself’.

Saying this, Krishna opened his mouth wide”.

