SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0583: Life in those eons


Garga Muni said, “O Nanda! In prosperity, qualities, renown and lustre your son is equal to Lord Vishnu”.

Garga could not directly reveal the boy’s identity as it is incorrect to reveal divine secrets. Hence he was indirectly explaining the boy’s identity. In the beginning, he hinted that the boy was none other than the Supreme Lord. Thereafter, exercising caution, he stated that the boy would equal Vishnu in all aspects. The four qualities mentioned above belong only to the Supreme Lord and to none else. Lord’s lustre is such that everyone desires to speak to Him. So while implying that Krishna was his son but yet not his son, Garga declared that the boy was equal to Vishnu.

“Be watchful over him. Be ever vigilant in safeguarding him”.

Until the infant is old enough to manage itself, the parents should safeguard it eternally. They should not recklessly leave the child unattended. Nor should they hand him/her over to strangers.

Thus having instructed Nanda, Mahamuni Garga left the place. By indicating that the boy had previously protected noble persons, the great saint hinted indirectly that he was none other than the Lord himself. Kamsa was the rogue who tortured noble saints. Although the saint did not mention it directly, he hinted indirectly.

Nanda was supremely pleased that the naming ceremony of his sons was conducted by an appropriate saint. He felt as if all his desires had been fulfilled in totality.

Within a short time after their naming ceremony, Balarama and Krishna began to crawl on their knees and hands. They then began to wander through Gokula enjoying their frolics.

Every milestone in the physical development of Krishna was celebrated in Gokula. It appeared as if celebrations were endless in this hamlet. People rejoiced seeing him. There was absolutely no sign of grief among any of the residents. Quarrels, jealousy, diseases, robbery, uttering falsehood and other such qualities which created rift among people were totally non-existent in those days. Happiness pervaded the hamlet. Agriculture thrived. Water was available in plenty. There was absolutely no reason to grieve. The entire township flourished.

Wealth, renown, lustre and good qualities were found in every home. What more can be said of the fortune of the inhabitants of Gokula? The Lord was growing amidst them. What to be said of the fortune of the cows, cowherds and milkmaids there? It was as if the children of Gokula had forgotten how to cry. Only laughter could be heard everywhere. People who were afflicted with disease were rendered healthy soon upon Krishna’s arrival in that land. How lucky they were! Trees bore fruits belonging to all seasons. All the trees and creepers were laden with flowers and fruits. Summers were cool. Winters were warm.

Swamiji’s mother composed many hymns describing the glory of Gokula during the period of Krishna. Swamiji sings these compositions off and on. In simple language my mother would compose songs that glorified the Lord and his activities. After all, wasn’t she a great devotee of Krishna? Perhaps she had a vision of Krishna. Perhaps she carried Him, who knows? Gokula is the sacred land wherein He wandered leisurely. People who visit Gokula are truly fortunate. It is the holy land of the Lord.

“Pushing themselves forward on the strength of their knees, the two boys, crawled through the muddy/ grimy places of Gokula. They crawled in serpentine fashion everywhere”.

Perhaps the Lord wanted to play like an infant. For this reason, he incarnated in Gokula.

“Applying that grime to their bodies, the two brothers crawled through the front-yard of the homes of other cowherds. They rolled in that grime playfully enjoying their frolics”.

For this reason, even to this date, people visiting Gokula revere the soil there. This is the soil in which He walked and played. Likewise Ayodhya is the land where Rama wandered.

“It was as if these brothers were racing against each other. With their muddied bodies, they crawled from home to home, stopping at the entrance of each home”.

There is a riddle- which animal has two legs in the morning hours, has four legs in the afternoon and in the evening has three legs? It is the human being. He is born with two legs; crawls initially using hands and legs and in old age uses a stick making him three legged.

“Krishna and Balarama would halt outside every home. The inmates of that house would pick them, clean them, cajole them and hand them over to their mothers. Within a little while, the boys would be back on the streets dirtying themselves”.

Do not presume that the civilization at that time was primitive. Unlike present-day filthy drains that we see, the drains in those eons were vast and carried clean waters. When it rained the air was filled with a lovely fragrance.

Purushottamaya namah
