SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0582: Maharishi Garga praises infant Krishna

Mahamuni Garga said, “Based on the qualities of the transcendental sports displayed, this boy will have infinite names and forms. For this reason, we shall name him Krishna. This boy who will cause bliss and happiness to all the cowherds of Gokula, will bring auspiciousness to you all. He is born for this purpose. I am aware of His greatness which ordinary people do not understand”.

Gokula itself is Go-loka. Garga Muni implied, ‘He has incarnated solely to bestow liberation to all the inhabitants of Gokula. This is the secret which I am aware of and which ordinary people like you do not understand’.

The saint continued, “He will help you cross all forms of difficulties. In future, you will have to face problems from Indra, the Lord of heaven. You will have to face difficulties due to planetary disturbances. In order to cause the well-being of the thousands of Gopis and Gopikas of Gokula, he has taken birth here”.

Why did the Lord incarnate amidst cowherds of Gokula? Cowherds and cows are extremely dear to the Lord. He maintains an inseparable relationship with cows. For this reason, cow is very sacred and worthy of worship. She is the mother who blesses us with milk. There are many who kick the mother who has fed them with milk and kill her. What can be said about such atrocities? Is it right to kick the mother who has nourished us with her milk? The Lord moved amidst cows purely to show to us her importance. From the significance He has attached to cows, we should learn.

“This boy will help you overcome every hurdle. What more can be said of your fortune? Previously, there was a state of anarchy in the kingdom.”

Swamiji explains: A ruler or a leader is a must in every situation. There has to be a person who firmly governs the land. It is said that a kingdom without a king is not a kingdom at all. Similarly, inhabitants of the land which has no ruler are not civilized.

“At that time when anarchy was prevalent, the citizens were agonized due to the havoc caused by thieves and dacoits. Virtuous people suffered in the hands of the wicked”.

In the absence of a proper ruler, there is no proper system of security. At such times of lawlessness, dacoits thrive. It is often said that difficulties always land on the head of the pious. Isn’t this mysterious? It is often noticed that injuries are easily inflicted on the hand that is already wounded. We hit the same wound again and again despite all precautions. The healthy hand continues to remain unhurt. Likewise noble, saintly person who refrain from harming others are tortured by rogues.

In any assembly, people ridicule the person who sits calmly without causing any disturbance. His silence irritates them. They are agitated that he does not participate in any of their discussions. They try their best to get him to join in their conversation and commotions. They want to see him agitated akin to them. They try to get him to talk, laugh and thus they torture him. They ridicule him and pelt stones at him. Saintly persons are tortured because they do not mingle with the ordinary.

If in a group of ten, one is of different behaviour, his condition is truly deplorable. Unless and until he participates in all the activities appreciated by the nine other members, they will not let him live in peace. They pester him till he adapts to their habits and acquires tastes similar to theirs. If these nine members enjoy watching movies, telling lies, swindling others or gossiping, they expect this tenth member to join them in all activities. In case he refuses, they make his life miserable. Many such cases are visible these days.

It appears that these are not days for righteous, noble persons. These are not the days when people who abide by truthfulness can live in peace. What to say of the difficulties undergone by those who have strictly held on to the vow of truthfulness in speech, in lifestyle and in all aspects? Their heart and mind are filled with truth. Within them and outside of them they see truth. To them nothing but truth exists. Under no circumstances do they utter lies.

Battle between Devatas and demons has been going on since eternity. The traits of goodness (sattva) are at war with the traits of inertia and ignorance (tamas). All this takes place within our body. Within our body exist the traits of goodness (sattva), passion (rajas) and ignorance (tamas). At all times they are at war with one other. The trait of goodness (sattva) condemns bad actions/ thoughts while the trait of ignorance (tamas) applauds them. This is akin to the fight between the senses and the power of reasoning (buddhi). Sometimes they collude to cause pain to the living entity. Caught amidst them, he/she gets trapped.

Maharishi Garga continued, “At such crucial times, this boy protected the virtuous and caused them to prosper. He helped them vanquish the rogues.

Ya etasmin mahā-bhāgāḥ prītiṁ kurvanti mānavāḥ

Nārayo ’bhibhavanty etān viṣṇu-pakṣāni vāsurāḥ

Demons can never harm or defeat the Devatas who have the support of Lord Vishnu and who is eternally by their side. Similarly, the fortunate human beings, who are filled with love towards this boy and who think of Him at all times can never face defeat in the hands of inner enemies or external enemies”.

Devatas can experience difficulties, however they can never be vanquished because the Lord is eternally with them. Likewise the person who is filled with feelings of love towards Krishna is fortunate. He/she who thinks of Krishna at every moment, who is filled with devotion and love towards Him cannot be defeated by demons.

Narayana Krishna
