SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0581: The naming ceremony

Nanda continued, “O Gargamuni! In this vast cowshed of mine, there are many secretive places absolutely unknown to others. In these secretive places, unknown to this world, please chant the auspicious Vedic hymns and conduct the naming ceremony and other purificatory ceremonies for these two boys. I fervently seek that you should conduct the ceremony for my two sons. O revered saint! Please do not reject this request of mine. We will ensure that Kamsa remains ignorant of this development. None in my community will come to know of it”.

In this way, Nanda beseeched Garga Mahamuni. Bound by this request, Mahamuni Garga performed the naming ceremony for both the children. He then said,

“Due to his pleasing, divine and noble qualities, this son of Rohini will bring joy to everyone around him. For this reason, he will be known as Rāma”.

Rāma means ‘he who showers happiness and bliss upon others’. Chanting ‘Rāma’ is enough to bestow happiness. It dispels sorrows and drives away afflictions.

“Moreover, as he will be exceedingly muscular and strong, he will be known as Bala. Joining both these names he will be Balarāma. As he will attract all Yadavas and ensure they remain united, he will be known as Sankarśana. When people fight, he will strive to resolve their differences and unite them. He has the potential to resolve all differences”.

Sankarśana means ‘He who attracts others. He causes others to gravitate towards him.’ The Lord Sankarśana attracts everyone towards Him. For this reason, we chant ‘Sankarśanāya namah’. As we have emerged from Him, he attracts us towards Himself.

“This second son of yours, who incarnates in every eon (Yuga), previously was visible in three colours of red, white and yellow - śuklo raktas tathā pīta idānīṁ kṛṣṇatāṁ gataḥ. Presently however he is dark-complexioned”.

In each incarnation, the Lord assumes different colours. This is a transcendental sport of the Lord. In this incarnation as Krishna, he was dark.

“As he is dark-complexioned, he will be known as Krishna. Previously this son of yours had taken birth as the son of Vasudeva. For this reason, those who know of this secret will address him as Vāsudeva.

Bahūni santi nāmāni rūpāṇi ca sutasya te

Guṇa-karmānurūpāṇi tāny ahaṁ veda no janāḥ

bahūni santi nāmāni- infinite are the names of this Lord. We praise Him as ‘ananta nāmna’.

Infinite are the names and forms that are aptly suited to this son of yours, who has transcendental qualities. Based on each transcendental sport of His, one name will be assigned to him”.

He alone has infinite names. None apart from him can be known by varied names. Based on His transcendental activities and qualities, infinite names can be assigned to Him. Saving the life of another, helping others, showering knowledge upon others, the process by which He ensures that they merge into Him, the method by which He reforms their bad habits, the method by which He showers them with salvation- these are the transcendental sports of the Lord.

The transcendental sports of the Lord are extra-ordinary and astonishing! No two sports enacted by Him are alike! Each maintains its uniqueness! At every second He displays a different sport. Is it humanly possible? Only the Lord has the ability.

The primary transcendental sport is that the formless Lord took on a form and made himself visible. How fortunate were the cowherds of Gokula! Right from His birth and up to the destruction of the demon Tŗṇavarta He had already shown them many divine, transcendental sports.

“Based on the qualities of the transcendental sports displayed, this boy will have infinite names. For this reason we shall name him Krishna” said Mahamuni Garga.

Krishnaya namah; Pradyumnaya namah
