SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0580: Garga warns Nanda of the caution to be exercised when naming the infant son

Nanda said to Maharishi Garga, “You are the best among the knowers of Veda. This is undoubtedly true. O great saint, please conduct the naming ceremony and other associated samskaras (purificatory activities) for these two sons of mine. A Brahmin is the natural Guru for all human beings”.

Mahamuni Garga replied, “Nanda, I am well-known as the Guru for the Yadavas. In case I perform the naming ceremony for these two boys, then the world will naturally presume them to be the sons of Devaki”.

Until then, the Lord had ensured that His residence in Gokula remained secretive. Hence Mahamuni Garga was cautioning, ‘The world knows that, as the Guru of the Yadavas, I customarily conduct the naming ceremony of those born in that clan. However, you belong to the cowherd clan. If I conduct the naming ceremony for these two boys, the world will become suspicious. Naturally they will presume that Devaki’s sons are living here.’

Maharishi Garga continued, “As is, Kamsa is of wicked nature. Added to it, he has many spies who will inform him of this development. Kamsa has heard from Yogamaya, the daughter of Devaki, that the boy who is destined to kill him is already born elsewhere”.

Yogamaya is none other than Mother Goddess. The Supreme Lord himself glorified Mother Goddess upon her birth. The prayers that He offered to Her, are well-known among all Devatas. She is known by varied names:

Nāmadheyāni kurvanti sthānani ca narā bhuvi

Durgēti bhadrakāliti vijayā vaiṣnaviti ca

Kumudā candika krṣnē mādhavi kanyakēti ca

māya nārayaniṣāni ṣāradety ambiketi ca

Mother Goddess had warned Kamsa saying, “O fool! Do you think you can kill me? The person who is destined to kill you has already taken birth”.

Hence, Gargamuni continued, “Kamsa, who remembers this prophecy, is searching all hamlets, villages and towns trying to kill the infant who is destined to kill him”.

Mother Goddess herself is Mahamāya. The Supreme Lord had indicated to his sister, Yogamāya or Mahāmāya, that in future temples would be constructed for her in plenty. Now this Mother Goddess, upon incarnation, had predicted the future to Kamsa. Not only did she address him as a fool, ignorant, lazy demon, she also made known to him that the child destined to kill him was born.

With this, Kamsa was baffled and clueless. The earlier prophecy had indicated that Devaki would beget a son for the eighth time. However, he had seen with his eyes that she bore a daughter. This itself was baffling. To add to it, by predicting his death, Mother Goddess was alerting him to take the precautionary measures to save himself. What was to be done? At that moment, Kamsa realized that Devaki’s eighth child was not a girl but in reality it was a boy, who was growing elsewhere. For this reason, he had begun searching for that boy.

Maharishi Garga continued, “Nanda, Kamsa is aware of your friendship with Vasudeva. If he comes to know that I have named the children, he will immediately conclude that Devaki’s son is growing in your household. Therefore, we need to ensure that Kamsa doesn’t get suspicious. Else there is a risk that he may particularly harm your son. Do not underestimate Kamsa’s capabilities. He will study this situation very minutely. We should act in a manner that does not attract even the slightest suspicion. Else, there is grave danger.”

Hearing this, Nanda replied, “O revered one! In this Gokula, this cowshed of mine is the most safe and secretive place. This is no ordinary cowshed. It is vast and expansive. Within this cowshed, there are many secretive places”.

