SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0569: The death of Putana

The Gopikas continued to pray seeking the well-being of infant Krishna.

“May all the demonesses; wicked women; Kuṣmānda and other obstacle-creating kṣudra devatas; evil spirits; flesh eating demons and ghosts known as bhūta, preta, piśāca who torture young children; yakṣas, rākshasās and other kṣudra-devatas; witches such as Koṭara, Revati, Jyeṣṭa devi, Putana and Mātṛka; stars that cause afflict young children; planets that cause mental turbulence and insanity; planets that cause the person to hallucinate; planets that destroy the body, life-force and senses; inauspicious dreams; as well as the planets that torture the old and infants alike, who tremble fearfully upon hearing the name of Lord Srihari, be destroyed!”

The Gopikas chanted the names of the inauspicious as well as auspicious deities seeking that the auspicious deities should protect the infant, while the inauspicious planets and other influences should be driven far away.

“In this way, the Gopikas who were bound by motherly love towards the infant prayed for his well-being. Mother Yashoda breastfed him and put him to bed. Around that time, Nanda together with the cowherds returned home from Mathura and stared in disbelief at the humungous corpse lying before them.

‘Undoubtedly Vasudeva was a great saint in his previous birth. Perhaps he was a Yogi. If not, how could he predict that inauspicious events would befall Gokula? His words have come true’- they thought.

Using axes, the residents of Gokula shred Putana’s corpse and threw the pieces far away. Arranging firewood over these pieces they burnt her corpse.

For having breastfed infant Krishna, Putana was absolved of all sins. As such, when her corpse was being cremated, the smoke emanating from it was as fragrant as incense stick (agaru).

Putana was a wicked, blood-thirsty demoness who desired to kill infants. Although she approached Krishna with the intent of killing him, the merit of breast-feeding the Lord ensured that she reached supreme heights. If a vile demoness with evil intent could reach such elevated state, does it need to be specially mentioned that a person who, with full love, tenderness and devotion, offers objects that are dearest to the Lord, will reach ultimate heights?”

Even when a few grains of coloured rice (akshata) are offered lovingly to the Lord, He is immensely pleased. This Lord is pleased when just a Tulasi leaf or a flower is offered to him with love. Therefore, isn’t it obvious that Gopikas, who with motherly love, breast fed the infant Krishna reached ultimate levels?

“The devotee eternally meditates upon the Lord’s feet that are situated permanently in his heart. Even Devatas such as Indra and others reverentially worship these holy feet. Such Supreme Lord attacked demoness Putana and drank her milk. For this reason, even though she was a demoness, she attained the position of a mother and reached heaven. How astonishing! When a demoness could reach this supreme state, isn’t it true that all cows that supplied milk for Krishna also reached heaven?

The Lord who bestows everything including liberation, was born to Mother Devaki. He contentedly drank the milk of Yashoda and other Gopikas, who were filled with motherly affection towards him. Due to the intense motherly feelings towards Krishna, milk flowed from the breasts of these Gopikas and they lovingly fed their son Krishna. As such they were freed from the shackles called repeated re-births.

The inhabitants of nearby settlements were astonished upon smelling the fragrance being emitted from the burning corpse. ‘Wherefrom is such fragrance being emitted?’- questioning each other in this way, all of them reached Gokula. The residents of Gokula narrated to them in minute detail the story of Putana’s arrival and of her death.

Nanda and other cowherds who heard this story from other residents were wonder-struck. In great joy and bliss Nanda picked the infant, who had narrowly escaped the jaws of death, and kissed him tenderly on his forehead.

Ya etat pūtanā-mokṣaṁ kṛṣṇasyārbhakam adbhutam

Śṛṇuyāc chraddhayā martyo govinde labhate ratim

The person who with absolute dedication, listens to this transcendental glory of Lord Krishna in which he killed Putana and granted her liberation, will develop unswerving devotion and love towards Him.

Krishna Krishna

With this the sixth chapter of the tenth canto comes to an end.
