SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0567: Putana places Krishna on her lap

Keshavāya namah

Putana, the vile demoness, had the capacity to take on any form as per her will. Upon reaching Gokula she transformed into a gorgeous female with wide hips. Wide hips indicated her motherly status. She had a slender waist and broad chest. She was draped in a pretty sari. In her lovely braid there was a garland of malli flowers. She wore hanging earrings that dazzled brightly. The beauty of these earrings reflected upon her beautiful forelocks thereby adding glow to her facial beauty.

She wandered through the cowherd-settlement showering affectionate love upon all inhabitants. Seeing her beauty and her charming, affectionate smiles all the Gopikas were captivated. She, who held a lotus in her hand, stole the hearts of the cowherd men with her loving tender gazes. Forgetting their chores they admired her. Enchanted by her charisma all the children madly followed her.

Seeing her indescribable beauty, the Gopikas thought, ‘Aha! It appears as if Mother Goddess Lakshmi has taken on a human form and arrived here searching for her husband Srihari’.”

Some cowherds believed Mother Goddess had taken on a form and was walking on earth. Some others wished they had a wife as beautiful as her. Not realizing her true form, the innocent cowherds were enchanted by her.

“As she wandered through the settlement searching for infants whom she could kill, providence ensured that she spotted the infant child who was sleeping on the cot within Nanda’s home.

Just as a log conceals the spark of fire held within it, the little infant Krishna, the destroyer of the wicked, had concealed His infinite radiance. The Supreme Lord, who is the Self for this entire creation consisting of animate and inanimate objects, had taken on a human form and was residing in Gokula.

Putana, the vile demoness, approached this infinite Lord who was sleeping on a cot. At that moment the infant had closed his eyes. Just as a person catches a snake mistaking it for a rope, Putana, the wicked killer of children, lifted this infant, who in reality was her annihilator, and placed him on her lap.

Just as a sharp sword is hidden within a thick, soft covering, Putana, who inherently was cruel, demonic and wicked, externally projected affectionate motherly traits. Rohini and Yashoda observed this lady entering the room. They noticed her placing the boy on her lap and trying to breast-fed him. However, enthralled by her enchanting beauty, they remained speechless.

This demoness put her breast, within which she retained powerful, indigestible poison, into the infant’s mouth. The Lord, who was angered with this, held her breast tightly with both his hands, sucked the milk while sucking out her life-force”.

Narayana Narayana
