SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0557: Vasudeva and Devaki glorify the Lord who has incarnated as their son

Narayana Narayana Hare Krishna.

Vasudeva prayed, “Principles of creation that do not undergo any transformation appear to transform and enter into elements that are subject to transformation.

As the Lord inherently exists within all objects, the question of Him newly entering into the object does not arise. Nonetheless, it appears as if He enters into the object.

(Cosmic intelligence (Mahat), egoism (ahamkara), the subtle perceptions (tanmatras) of sound, touch, form, taste and smell are the seven principles of creation which are beyond transformation).

As long as the seven unchanging principles do not interact with one another, their energies cannot combine. Only when these unchanging principles combine with the principles that are subject to transformation, they create the universal egg (Brahmanda). At that time, it appears as if they have newly entered into the universal egg. Nonetheless, as they are the primary causes for the existence of this universe, the possibility of their entering newly into the created universe cannot exist.

O Lord of everything! You are the inner witness for everyone. Existence of eye and other sense organs is understood through form and other sensory perceptions. In this way, You make Your presence known through the medium of eye and other sense organs as well as through form and other sensory perceptions which arise due to the three attributes of Nature. In reality however You are absolutely unconnected with the attributes of Nature.

You are the Supreme Self who is not subject to the limitations of place and time. Gross body and other perceptible objects, which are creations of the three attributes of Nature, cannot distance from the original Self and obtain an independent existence. These objects are only forms & names that exist with the help of organ of speech (vāgendriya).

Learned scholars, who have thoroughly analyzed the scriptures, have declared that objects cannot have an independent existence. They have rejected such objects as illusions, which arise due to seeing them differently from their true existence. Nevertheless, ignorant, foolish people decisively declare that perceptible objects have an independent identity and existence separate from the Self.

O Lord, learned scholars declare that You alone are responsible for the creation, sustenance and annihilation of this world when neither intentions (sankalpa), actions (kriya) or transformations exist in You and when Nature, which is composed of its three attributes, does not have independent or eternal existence within You. Their conclusions are correct for You are the Supreme Lord devoid of traits. Yet, at the same time, You are the Lord with traits. You are the controller of the traits that are imposed upon You. For this reason, the controllership and doer-ship towards the three attributes is being imposed upon You.

You, the Supreme Lord, have taken the help of Your illusionary power (maya) and for the purposes of ruling over the three planes of existence, have assumed the form of Vishnu, in which the attribute of goodness (sattva) is predominant. For the purposes of creation, You have assumed the form of Brahma, which is predominantly composed of the traits of passion (rajas). For the purposes of annihilation, You have assumed the form of Rudra, which is predominantly composed of the traits of ignorance (tamas). White is symbolic of sattva. Red is symbolic of rajas while black is symbolic of tamas.

Tvam asya lokasya vibho rirakṣiṣur gṛhe ’vatīrṇo ’si mamākhileśvara

Rājasya-saṁjñāsura-koṭi-yūthapair nirvyūhyamānā nihaniṣyase camūḥ

O Lord who rules the entire universe! With the intent of protecting this world, You have incarnated in my house. Demons are moving everywhere in the guise of kings. Together with their armies they are travelling through the world. You alone can destroy these armies which consist of trillions of soldiers.

O Lord of all Lords! The wicked Kamsa has come to know that You will incarnate in my home. Believing your elder brothers to be You, he killed them all. His attendants would have already informed him of Your birth in my home. He will very shortly arrive here with his weapon to kill You”.

Mother Devaki saw her infant son who was glowing with all transcendental traits. She feared Kamsa, yet seeing her child, a pure smile lit her face. She then prayed,

“Rūpaṁ yat tat prāhur avyaktam ādyaṁ brahma jyotir nirguṇaṁ nirvikāram

Sattā-mātraṁ nirviśeṣaṁ nirīhaṁ sa tvaṁ sākṣād viṣṇur adhyātma-dīpaḥ

The Supreme Lord who is the cause for the entire creation is beyond the perception of the senses. He is Self-effulgent. Mahatmas declare that traits, transformations, dualities, differences, actions or intent do not exist in Him. You are that Supreme Lord who pervades everything. You are the Self who provides existence and consciousness to the combination known as body, senses and mind.

At the end of hundred years, the lifespan of Brahma comes to an end. At that time, this universal egg dissolves into the five basic elements. These elements further dissolve into Mahat, which is the cause for their existence. Mahat thereafter dissolves into illusory energy (Maya shakti). At that time You alone remain. For this reason, You are addressed as Śeṣa.

O Lord who triggers Nature (prakṛti)! Great is the force of time which begins from a fraction of a second and goes on to a year. This wheel of time causes the world to rotate. Mahatmas declare that such supreme force called time is nothing but Your transcendental sport. You who trigger this time are the sole protector. I surrender completely to You”.

