SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0546: The Supreme Lord assures that He will incarnate on Earth


Maharishi Śuka began to reply in great detail to the story of Lord Srikrishna as enquired by Parikshit.

He said, “O Emperor Parikshit! You are the best among saintly kings. You possess a firm, determined intellect and unflinching love towards the glories of Lord Srikrishna.

Vāsudeva-kathā-praśnaḥ puruṣāṁs trīn punāti hi

Vaktāraṁ pracchakaṁ śrotṝṁs tat-pāda-salilaṁ yathā

Just as the waters of River Ganga, which wash the feet of Lord Srihari, purify the people who bathe in it, the transcendental pious stories of the Lord purify the person who narrates the stories, the person who enquires into them, as well as the person who listens attentively to them.

In the garb of kings, millions of arrogant demons had begun to rule Earth. Mother Earth who was unable to withstand the weight of these wicked kings assumed the form of a cow and sought refuge under Lord Brahma. With tears gushing down her eyes, she wept pitifully, narrated to Lord Brahma the misfortune that had befallen her and begged for relief”.

This is a very important story. Please be attentive.

“Lord Brahma who heard the deplorable story of Mother Earth, immediately proceeded to the banks of the Milk-ocean along with her. Lord Śiva and other Devatas followed him. Here, with absolute concentration Lord Brahma meditated upon the Supreme Lord while chanting the Puruśa suktam from the Vedas. Lord Srihari, who is the ruler for the entire universe, dispels the sufferings of his devotees while fulfilling their desires. Even the Devatas joined Lord Brahma in worshipping the Supreme Lord. Lord Brahma, who was in the deep meditative state called samādhi, heard a celestial voice within his heart-space. He thereafter addressed the Devatas and said,

‘My dear Devatas, please listen to these instructions given by the Supreme Lord. Without any delay abide by them. The all-knowing Supreme Lord is aware of the anguish undergone by Mother Earth’.”

Can there by anything unknown to the Lord who is all-pervading and who lives within us, amidst us and who envelops us?

“He will shortly incarnate on Earth and while moving here, He will, using His energy called time, reduce the burden of Earth. Srihari is the Lord of all Lords. Before He incarnates on Earth for this purpose, all of you should take birth in the Yadu lineage with your partial aspects (amsha).

Vasudeva-gṛhe sākṣād bhagavān puruṣaḥ paraḥ

Janiṣyate tat-priyārthaṁ sambhavantu sura-striyaḥ

The Supreme Lord will incarnate in the house of Vasudeva. In order to serve Him and to cause Him happiness, celestial women should also take birth.

The all-pervading Lord Srihari resides in all the planes. He is Self-effulgent. Ananta (the thousand- headed serpent Adi-śeṣa or Sankarśana), who is the partial aspect of this Lord, will in order to please the Supreme Lord Srihari, incarnate before He incarnates. This world is deluded due to the Lord’s illusionary energy. This illusionary energy (yoga māya) will, in accordance to the commands of the Lord, manifest with Her partial incarnation and assist in the execution of His divine task’.

Lord Brahma thus instructed the Devatas as well Marici and other Prajāpatis. Thereafter in various ways he pacified Mother Earth before returning to his abode.

The abode of the Supreme Lord is far superior to Earth. To him, earth is the size of an infinitesimal atom. He is the Lord who pervades innumerable universes. He had to incarnate on this atom-sized earth to reduce its burden.

Previously Surasena, the King of the Yadavas, was ruling the Surasena and Mathura provinces with Mathura as his residence. From then on, Mathura became the capital for all Yadava kings. In this holy land of Mathura, the Supreme Lord eternally resides.

It was in this city that Sura’s son Vasudeva married Devaki. Together with his bride, he mounted the chariot to return home. Kamsa, the son of Ugrasena, was the cousin of Devaki. Wanting to please his younger sister Devaki, Kamsa took on the charioteer’s seat. Holding the reins of the horses he began to drive the chariot in which the newly-weds were seated. He was accompanied by hundreds of golden chariots.

Devaka, the brother of Ugrasena, was deeply attached to his daughter Devaki. For this reason, Devaka gifted his daughter, who was now moving to her husband’s residence, four hundred elephants adorned completely with golden ornaments, fifteen hundred fine horses, eighteen hundred chariots and two hundred beautiful maids all of whom were decked in fine ornaments.

Just as the bride and groom were about to commence their journey, drums, kettle-drums, conches and bugles were sounded heralding auspiciousness. This fabulously breath-taking procession was a feast to the eyes of the onlooker”.

