SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0545: Parikshit expresses his eagerness to listen to the transcendental glories of Krishna

Emperor Parikshit continued,

“Avatīrya yador vaṁśe bhagavān bhūta-bhāvanaḥ

Kṛtavān yāni viśvātmā tāni no vada vistarāt

The Supreme Lord, who resides as the Self within every living being, rules every living entity in this creation. I am desirous of knowing every transcendental sport enacted by this Lord when He incarnated in the Yadu lineage. O Maharishi! Please narrate these stories in minute detail.

Even liberated saints, who have totally distanced from the subtle tendencies pertaining to the objects of sense gratification, glorify the transcendental qualities of this Lord who is of pure renown.

Glorifying His transcendental deeds is not only the medicine to cure the disease called repeated re-births but also it fills the ears and mind with unimaginable happiness. Barring a butcher who is focussed upon killing animals, every other human, in fact every animal and every bird too, is deeply desirous of listening to the glories of this Lord”.

A person who delights in killing other living entities can never develop devotion. This is because his heart lacks compassion towards other living entities. Fear of God is lacking in him. Such person cannot develop devotion towards the Lord or enjoy His infinite glories.

“Bheeshma, the conqueror of Devatas, and other valiant chief commanders (atiratha), were like unconquerable whales swimming in the inconceivably gigantic ocean called Kaurava army. To cut through this massive ocean-like army and emerge successful was humanly impossible. Nevertheless, my grandfathers, the Pandavas, sought refuge in the boat called Srikrishna’s lotus feet and with this Lord’s grace they crossed this ocean as easily as one crosses a cow’s hoofprint (goshpadi)! They could emerge successful purely because the Supreme Lord Krishna was holding them and mentoring them. Such was their devotion towards Him!

O revered saint! This body of mine, which was the only remaining seed for both the Kaurava and Pandava lineages, was burnt when Ashwatthama, the son of Drona, hurled upon me the terrible Brahmāstra weapon even when I was in my mother’s womb. In response to the pleas of Uttara, my mother, who had completely surrendered unto Him, the Lord entered into her womb and holding the discus in His hand, revived and protected me.

Vīryāṇi tasyākhila-deha-bhājām antar bahiḥ pūruṣa-kāla-rūpaiḥ

Prayacchato mṛtyum utāmṛtaṁ ca māyā-manuṣyasya vadasva vidvan

O omniscient Maharishi! Residing as the Self within every living entity, Srihari infuses the body and senses with life and movement. He blesses those, who perceive Him as their inner Self, with liberation. This same Lord exists outside in the form of time and fills the person with the fear of death. I seek to know in elaborate detail the transcendental plays enacted by this Lord, who assumed a human form using His inherent illusionary energy.

Among the sons of Devaki, Sankarśana acquired great renown. You had said that Sankarśana manifested as Balarama, the son of Rohini. How could Sankarśana be the son of two mothers Devaki and Rohini? This is unfathomable. Why did Krishna, the Lord who bestows liberation, abandon his father Vasudeva’s home in Mathura and reside in Gokula? Where did He, along with Nanda and other relatives, reside in Gokula? What were His activities while residing in Gokula and in Mathura? Why did He kill Kamsa, his maternal uncle, when such killing is considered sinful by the scriptures?

Lord Srihari assumed a human form and lived along with the members of the Yadu lineage in Dwaraka. For how long did He live in Dwaraka? What were the reasons for this Lord to keep shifting His residence? Who were His wives?

O all-knowing great saint! Please explain elaborately those activities of Srikrishna, which I have enquired and those which I have not enquired. O merciful saint! I am extremely desirous of knowing His story in absolute detail. Without skipping any incident please narrate His story in entirety to me.

Even though I have given up drinking water, O saint, I am drinking the nectar called glories of Srihari that drip from your lotus face and hence I am not tormented by afflictions such as hunger, thirst or sleep. My mind simply longs to hear the story of Krishna. Please be kind enough to explain”- concluded Parikshit.

Maharishi Suta said to Maharishi Śounaka, “O Śounaka! O best among the Bhrigu lineage! The venerable Maharishi Śuka, the son of Vyasa, was the finest among the devotees of the Lord. Hearing these questions he applauded Parikshit and then began to narrate the glory of Lord Srikrishna, which dispels the sufferings in this period of Kali-yuga”.

