SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-06-17
Bhagavatam 0544: Bhagavatam cannot be grasped by a mind that lacks devotion


bhaktyā bhāgavataṁ gnēyaṁ na cotpatya na ca ṭīkayā -

Bhagavatam can be learnt only when the person is filled with devotion, not otherwise. It cannot be understood using intelligence or material scholarliness if they are devoid of devotion.

Here it implies that the person narrating Bhagavatam and the person listening to it should be filled with deep devotion. Only then, Lord Srikrishna will make himself visible in the heart in a thumb-sized form. If we concentrate upon Him, we will see Him in a form that resembles ours.

In this Canto, the Supreme Lord Vāsudeva manifests as Devaki’s son; as Yashoda’s son; as Nanda’s son; as a cowherd boy; as the boy who steals butter; as a boy who filled the Gopikas with happiness; as the ruler of Dwaraka and as the husband of Rukmini. All His transcendental sports playfully enacted in Gokula, Dwaraka and Mathura have been strung together as this tenth canto. Only when this glory of the Lord is heard with supreme devotion, one will be uplifted.

Please listen with absolute devotion. Do not get distracted and do not engage in chatter when listening. Pay attention to every word uttered. The Lord has provided us with a tape recorder called mind. Record this Bhagavatam and replay it time and again. Do not falsely assume that you lack memory power. The truth is that the Lord has instilled memory in every mind.

Let us undertake a small test. Pick any one easy shloka (verse) or any hymn of your choice unknown to you so far. The lyrics for all hymns are available in all languages. Chant this hymn with concentration and dedication 7 times a day for 7 days. Even that person, who is not familiar with alphabets, will be able to memorize the hymn within this time.

However, to be successful in this test there is a pre-condition. You need to be up from bed prior Sunrise or latest by 6 AM. Wash your eyes, face and complete other obligatory bodily duties. Chant the hymn 7 times. After 7 days even if you seek to forget the hymn you cannot as it would have been firmly imprinted in your mind.

To be successful, the qualities of firmness, resolute determination and dedication are imperative. There should be a stubbornness to memorize it. Once you master the first hymn, jump to another hymn without a break. Your memory power gradually begins to increase. The desire to learn newer hymns strengthens in you. This is bhakti!

Listen to Bhagavatam discourses irrespective of the language it is being narrated. It is incorrect to ever miss a Bhagavatam discourse. Never say that you do not understand Bhagavatam. in Bhagavatam, divine names occur repeatedly. Due to the grace of the Lord you will be blessed with memory power, the ability to sit steadily for hours at stretch listening to these discourses. Your devotion will see a spurt. The desire to listen will intensify in you.

Canto Ten Chapter One

In this chapter, the stage for the Lord’s incarnation as Krishna is set.

Emperor Parikshit enquired, “O revered saint! So far you have narrated the lineages of the Sun and Moon dynasties in minute detail. You have also narrated the wondrous astonishing stories of mighty emperors who were born in these lineages. You have also narrated the family tree of the highly noble Emperor Yadu. In this lineage, the Supreme Lord incarnated together with Balarama, who was His partial incarnation and exhibited numerous transcendental deeds. I seek to listen to this story in greater detail.

Avatīrya yador vaṁśe bhagavān bhūta-bhāvanaḥ

Kṛtavān yāni viśvātmā tāni no vada vistarāt”.

