SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-13 18:30:00 +0000
068: Vali repents for his mistakes

Śri Maha ganapataye namah

We discussed that Vali, who had succumbed to Rama’s arrow collapsed to the ground with a huge thud. He who had remained untouched by any weapon all his life, now was on the verge of death. Rama, who had killed him, did not choose to run away from there stealthily. Instead he walked to the place where Vali was fallen and stood peacefully before him.

Vali immediately began to accuse Rama of unrighteousness. In response Rama was giving befitting replies. In reality, Rama was initiating Vali into the righteous rules. Every word that comes from Rama’s mouth has the ability to cause positive transformation even in the worst sinner. The combination of darshana, sambhashana (dialogue) and sparshana (touch by means of arrow) of the Lord themselves caused positive transformation in Vali.

In those last moments when the life force was departing from the body, Vali was endlessly chanting Rama’s name, although it was in the form of accusation. Every sentence uttered by him would either begin or end with the word Rama. However, if the same chanting is done with devotion it would have led to total liberation. In this instance, Vali, who was chanting the Lord’s name due to anger, would obtain a higher level (Uttama sthiti) although he would fail to obtain liberation (Uttama gati).

Two terms have been used here- Uttama gati which implies liberation i.e. freedom from re-births and ‘Uttama sthiti’ which implies temporary relief before returning back to earth and taking up another body.

When the Lord initiated him thus, realization dawned in Vali. He was fortunate to obtain this initiation directly from the Lord. During the Mahabharata war, many among the Kaurava army who lay dying on the battlefield, were fortunate to be blessed with the darshan of Lord Krishna who was travelling through the battlefield riding the chariot. Such supreme darshan entitled them to obtain liberation. Likewise, all the demons who met their end in the hands of Lord Rama obtained liberation.

Vali, who realized his mistake, now repented for it and then entrusted wife Tara and son Angada to Rama’s care saying, ‘O Lord, I realize my folly. I admit that my brother is truly noble. During my absence, he ruled righteously. Overcome with feelings of humiliation, I failed to grasp the real intent behind his actions.

My wife Tara pleaded with me to not go for battle today. I was aware of your involvement in Sugriva’s life. Being aware of your presence in this vicinity I came for battle, for, I had to die in your hands’. He then gifted his gem-studded chain to Sugriva.

Jaya Guru Datta
