SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-13 18:30:00 +0000
062: Rama and Sugriva seal their friendship with fire as witness

Śri Maha-ganapataye namah

Hanuman took the brothers to the cave where Sugriva resided. After the initial introductions, Hanuman sealed the friendship between Rama and Sugriva with fire as a witness.

Sugriva then narrated his woes to Rama. He explained of how Vali had unrighteously snatched away his wife and as to how he was ceaselessly trying to kill him. ‘Kindly give me refuge’- prayed Sugriva.

Rama promised, ‘I shall kill Vali and ensure that you obtain your wife back. His actions are truly unrighteous’.

Righteousness (dharma) is always victorious. Although in the initial period it appears to be losing, ultimately it emerges victorious.

Sugriva then said, ‘Rama, I have heard that your wife Sita has been abducted by Ravana. I shall locate her and help you get her back’.

In this way, both of them agreed to mutually help one another. What a beautiful friendship it was!

Sugriva continued, ‘Recently we saw a lady who was being taken away by force in an aircraft. She was screaming ‘Rama, Lakshmana’. She tied her ornaments in a bundle and threw it down which fell on this hill’. Saying this, Sugriva brought the bundle and offered it to Rama. At the sight of the bundle, Rama swooned. After slowly composing himself, he asked Lakshmana to verify the contents. Lakshmana opened the bundle and observing them said,

‘Yes, undoubtedly these are the ornaments of Mother Goddess. However, I do not recognize these earrings. Nor do I recognize the armlets. However, as I would daily prostrate to her feet, I can recognize her anklets. They are hers beyond doubt’.

This is the sole proof to say that Lakshmana had never looked into his sister-in-law’s face. He had only seen her feet. Lakshmana would address her as his mother. With this, his devotion to her becomes explicitly clear.
