SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-13 18:30:00 +0000
061: Lakshmana reveals their identity to Hanuman

Śri Maha-ganapataye namah

The moment Srirama praised Hanuman, the latter was thrilled. Lakshmana then addressed Hanuman and told him that they had heard of Sugriva and were seeking to consult him. He also narrated in details the events that led to their exile from Ayodhya and of how Sita had been abducted. He explained that with Srirama’s grace demon Kabandha was released from his curse that led to his demonic birth and that he had regained his celestial form.

Furthermore, Lakshmana profusely praised Sugriva and then continued, ‘my brother Srirama, the descendant of Raghu, is an epitome of righteousness. He is the one who offers protection to all the worlds. Such a supreme Lord and supreme emperor is now here to beg Sugriva’s help’- saying so, Lakshmana wept bitterly. His voice faltered and he stopped speaking.

Hanuman replied, ‘Both of you are great intellectuals. You are the supreme masters who have conquered anger and senses. In reality, Sugriva should have come and personally greeted you, but then, fearing Vali, Sugriva dares not step down this mountain. It is our greatest fortune that you have come here walking and blessed us with your darshan’. Thereafter, Hanuman once again narrated the story that led to enmity between brothers Vali and Sugriva. He then joyfully took Rama and Lakshmana to meet Sugriva.

Thus, in creating a strong bond of friendship between Rama and Sugriva, Hanuman played a very crucial role. After the initial introductions were complete, Hanuman got Sugriva and Rama to seal their friendship with fire as a witness. This fire-ceremony was witnessed by the celestials too.

Just as a person accepts his spouse with fire as a witness during marriage ritual, friendships too are sealed with fire as witness. It was a prevent custom in those eons.

Jaya Guru Datta
