SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-13 18:30:00 +0000
059: Hanuman introduces himself to those strangers

Śri Maha-ganapataye namah

When all his attempts to get them to speak turned futile, Hanuman decided to take a more direct approach. He decided to speak out the truth. He said, ‘Sugriva lives in the nearby mountain. I am his minister. My name is Hanuman. I am the son of wind. I am also a vanara. Using the power of penance I have assumed the form of a vedic student and am standing before you’.

All along with great effort Hanuman had been trying to conceal the truth. Now he laid bare all facts.

Hearing this revelation from Hanuman, the face of the elder brother lit up with complete happiness. His eyes bloomed joyfully and his face was filled with enthusiasm. Seeing their joyful faces, Hanuman’s joy multiplied significantly. He was thrilled. He then humbly said, ‘My king Sugriva is eager to make friendship with you two. Please do visit our mountain once’- saying so, Hanuman fell humbly at their feet.

Hearing these words, the face of the elder brother beamed even more. He who had remained tight-lipped thus far, now smiled sweetly like the full moon. That smile conveyed his complete blessings! He now looked at his younger sibling and joyfully said, ‘Lakshmana, the minister of that Sugriva for whom we have been searching so long has himself come to us. Talk to him with a smile. Set aside all reservations and suspicions’.

The two brothers had arrived here after facing many demons in the forests. They too were unsure of whom they could trust and hence were suspicious of Hanuman all along. They had destroyed thousands of followers of demon Ravana. Among the two, Lakshmana was more suspicious of the stranger. Hence Rama now asked him to relax for they had found the one whom they had been searching.

Jaya Guru Datta
