SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-13 18:30:00 +0000
058: In the presence of the strangers, Hanuman experiences inexplicable bliss

Śri Maha-ganapataye namah

We discussed that at Sugriva’s behest Hanuman assumed the form of a Brahmin boy and was, using his oratory skills, trying to extract information from the two strangers. When all his attempts went futile, Hanuman reflected, ‘They are keenly observing me. They are watchful of every word, every action and every facial expression of mine’.

Despite this understanding, Hanuman did not abandon his efforts. He continued to talk in an effort to engage them in a conversation. Slowly he made mention of Vali and Sugriva, of the combat between the two brothers and as to how Sugriva was residing on this huge mountain. He also told them of how Sugriva despised Vali. He observed that the two brothers remained unaffected upon hearing this and continued to remain silent. It was evident that they were disinterested in Sugriva.

Hanuman continued to stand there and observe them both. As he observed the elder of the two strangers, his heart melted completely. He no longer had the interest in speaking to them in a roundabout fashion. Although Hanuman was externally trying to engage them in a conversation, internally profound emotions were ruling him. His mind was swimming in bliss in the presence of the elder brother. His heart was glowing in happiness. His suspicions were dissipating rapidly. He knew that somehow or the other he had to speak to the elder of the two strangers.

Hanuman began to ponder deeply about this and suddenly his mind underwent a complete transformation. He who had come doubting their intentions, he who had arrived there in disguise and who was trying to extract information from them indirectly, now decided to abandon the roundabout approach.

He now directly said to them, ‘Sugriva is righteous. He has done no wrong. Vali is unrighteous, foolish and arrogant’. Even then, the two strangers remained tight-lipped. Even after directly mentioning that Sugriva was righteous, the two strangers did not react.

All along he had been trying through various indirect methods but had failed to extract any news from them. Now with the hope of drawing them into a conversation he explicitly took sides and mentioned that Sugriva was righteous but even then his words had no impact. He was totally baffled. Their silence was intriguing.

Jaya Guru Datta
