SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-13 18:30:00 +0000
055: Sugriva asks Hanuman to find out details of those strangers

Śri Maha-ganapataye namah

We discussed that Hanuman too began to fret believing the two strangers to be agents of Vali. Seeing this, Sugriva somehow composed himself and said, ‘Hanuman, I do not think that the situation requires us to tremble in fright. You are adept in the art of diplomacy. Furthermore, you have the ability to assume any form you will. Therefore, assuming the form of a celibate Brahmin boy pursuing the knowledge of the Vedas, you approach them. With your clever usage of words, gather from them their true identity and the purpose of their visit to this place’.

In Aluva (Kerala), Bangalore, Chennai and in all other cities where we have ashram branches, we have consecrated Hanuman idols. Thousands of devotees throng these temples due to their love for Hanuman. In all these temples Hanuman is Karyasiddhi Hanuman i.e. He who aids in successful completion of our tasks. As part of decorating Him, often in these temples He is dressed as a learned scholar (pundit). That appearance of Hanuman as a learned scholar fills us with joy.

Sugriva convinced Hanuman that assuming the form of a Brahmin celibate boy was aptly suited as Hanuman was indeed a learned scholar. Furthermore, as Matanga Maharishi was their Guru from whom they had acquired knowledge, the declaration that he was a disciple of that sage would not be untruthful.

‘Perchance they turn to be agents of my brother, use your skill to divert them away. In case they are totally unconnected to my brother, then skilfully persuade them to come to me. We could do with some help from those mighty able-bodied men. It is wise to befriend the mighty men’.

Sugriva was extremely keen that Hanuman should bring the strangers to him in case they were not Vali’s men. As Sugriva thus uttered words of encouragement, Hanuman too thought it prudent to meet the strangers. Upon being praised, he remembered his inherent supernatural capacities. Instantly he assumed the form of a Brahmin celibate boy and descended down the hill.

We have discussed in the past that Hanuman has been cursed to remember his inherent capacities only when he is praised profusely. As such, those who truly seek Hanuman’s grace must necessarily chant the Hanuman Chalisa or the mantra ‘Om namo Hanumate namah’ as many times as possible. With this he will rush to our rescue.

Jay Guru Datta
