SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-13 18:30:00 +0000
064: Sugriva challenges Vali for combat

Śri Maha-ganapataye namah

We discussed that Sugriva was glorifying Vali’s might with the intent of estimating Rama’s capacity. In order to prove his might, Rama casually pushed the remains of Dundhubi with his big toe. The skeleton was flung to a distance of 80 miles. Yet, Sugriva remained unconvinced.

In order to test the efficacy of Rama’s knowledge in archery, Sugriva challenged Rama to break one gigantic palm tree using one arrow. Even before Sugriva could complete his sentence, using a single arrow Rama felled 7 gigantic palm trees! This astounding deed instilled faith in Sugriva for, these were gigantic palm trees that would remain unshaken even under fierce gale winds. Sugriva now began to rejoice.

Shortly thereafter the four of them discussed of methods by which Vali could be killed. In accordance to this plan, accompanied by Sugriva and Lakshmana, Rama walked to Kishkinda, the capital city of Vali. Upon arriving there, Sugriva screamed loudly challenging Vali for combat while Rama and Lakshmana hid behind the trees.

Hearing the war cries, Vali was incensed at the audacity of his younger brother to challenge him for war. Without even a second’s delay, he madly rushed out of the palace gates. The brothers were now engaged in a one-on-one deadly, fierce combat.

However, the similarities in their appearance, their expressions and mannerisms were confounding to Rama and He could not figure out who among them was his friend and who was the target to be killed. Unable to arrive at any conclusion, Rama desisted from releasing his arrow. In this combat, Sugriva was badly trashed. Weary, wounded and in pain, Sugriva somehow managed to escape from his brother and dashed back home to Rishyamukha Mountain.

With this, Sugriva was totally distraught. He felt humiliated. This pain was inevitable for, in the beginning, he had doubted the Lord’s capacities and might. It was a punishment for his mistake. Lakshmana was laughing to himself, ‘O Sugriva, you were apprehensive of my brother’s capacities. Showing to him the skeleton of a demon, you expressed doubt in his abilities to move them. Showing Him a palm tree you tried to test His skills in archery. So, wasn’t it but natural that you would have to undergo some pain for doubting the Lord?’

Rama, however, was quite disturbed. He now approached Sugriva, who was weeping in agonizing pain, and said, ‘Sugriva, do you know why I refrained from releasing my arrow today? The situation should be more convenient for me to pierce him with my arrow. You should combat in a way that enables me to aim the arrow directly upon your opponent without hurting you. More importantly, I need to distinctly identify my friend in that combat. I shall give you a flower garland that never withers. Wearing this, you go again and challenge him for combat’.

Jaya Guru Datta
