SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-13 18:30:00 +0000
053: Hanuman and Sugriva are wary of the two strangers spotted at the lake

Śri Maha-ganapataye namah

We discussed that Sugriva and his associates were trying to decipher the identity of the two strangers walking alongside the Lake Pampa. While Sugriva considered them to be agents dispatched by Vali for eliminating him, Hanuman believed them to the sons of King Dasharatha. Sugriva scornfully replied that their bark clothing and mendicant attire distinguishingly identified them to be the sons of a sage. Hanuman, in whom devotion towards his future master had begun to sprout, was disheartened hearing Sugriva’s disdainful remarks and hence decided to refrain from speaking. Sugriva, however, continued to voice out his inner apprehensions, due to which, gradually Hanuman came to believe that some truth did really exist in Sugriva’s statements. Suspicion slowly made way for fear.

Sugriva’s fears were not baseless. Vali was renowned for his shrewdness. More importantly, he had a huge following of demons who were adept in the art of manipulating illusions. Believing them to be agents of Vali, Hanuman now began to tremble in fear. In fact, he was trembling far more violently than Sugriva himself.

Noticing this, Sugriva somehow composed himself and said, ‘Hanuman, I do not think that the situation requires us to tremble in fright. You are adept in the art of diplomacy. Furthermore, you have the ability to assume any form you will. Therefore, assuming the form of a celibate Brahmin boy pursuing the knowledge of the Vedas, you approach them. With your clever usage of words, gather from them their true identity and the purpose of their visit to this place’.

Often we say, ‘think before you talk’. There are many who chatter meaninglessly and without thinking. Through their unguarded talk, they incite others or ridicule them leaving them grieving. There are many who spread rumors and false news. These are people who are eternally filled with suspicion. They are suspicious of themselves, of their parents and of their surroundings. We do not know if there is any doctor who can ever treat them of this disease.

‘Hanuman, please gather on whose behest have they come here. As Matanga Maharishi’s ashram is located in this vicinity they will presume you to be a student from there’- said Sugriva.

Jaya Guru Datta
