SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-12 18:30:00 +0000
048: The lady throws a bundle towards them

Śri Maha-ganapataye namah

Despising Ravana who at this advanced age was entertaining mean, lustful desires, Sugriva and Hanuman observed the bundle even more closely but somehow were reluctant to open it and check its contents.

Ravana’s behaviour did not surprise them for it was a norm for him to behave thus with women. In the past, Ravana had faced many defeats under Vali and at last, had brokered peace with him. Hence, Sugriva and his team members were well-versant with all Ravana’s atrocities and activities. Ravana would, at times, visit Vali in his flying chariot and hence they could recognize his identity.

It is difficult to finely define this aircraft possessed by Ravana. To understand about it, one must read the holy text Ramayana. Great details about the aircraft are contained in it. How many engines should be fixed to the aircraft, how they must be designed, what must be the load limit, the seating arrangements within- all these features that we observe in the present-day aircrafts all existed even then. These aircraft were designed to fly without fuel. This aircraft was called the ‘pushpaka vimana’ which also implied that it was light like a flower.

Sugriva had no personal enmity with Ravana but yet being as powerful as Vali, he could have defeated Ravana and rescued the woman being abducted. Nevertheless, as he himself was dejected due to his inability to solve his own personal problems, he had very little interest in trying to help her.

Sugriva and Hanuman observed the bundle for long and then decided to hand it over to anyone who would come enquiring the whereabouts of the lady. Hence, even without verifying its contents, they kept it safely within a cave.
