SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-12 18:30:00 +0000
047: Hanuman and other vanaras observe the lady being abducted

Om namo Hanumate namah

One day, at mid-noon, Hanuman, who possessed sharp ears, suddenly heard the wails of a woman coming from a great distance. Immediately he scanned all the directions and climbed up a tree to ascertain the direction of the wail. Even the other four vanaras immediately climbed atop the trees and keenly observed all directions trying to locate that sound. Who could be this woman who is weeping? Could it be some mischief of the wicked Vali?- they thought.

Even as they were scanning all directions, the weeping sound turned more audible and clear. With this, the vanaras intensified their scrutiny. They scanned all directions even more closely and then figured the sound was coming from the skies. When they looked up, they noticed a chariot, bearing all emblems of demons, flying swiftly in the skies. Initially they presumed that Vali had, in order to eliminate them without having to step on to the mountain, devised new techniques by using a flying chariot. They feared that he would now attack them from the skies and in order to capture their attention and bring them out from hiding, he was wailing in a woman’s voice.

Even as the vanaras were observing, the voice became clearer and closer. A lady who was in the chariot was wailing and was occasionally screaming ‘Rama’, ‘Lakshmana’. Even while they were figuring out whose names she was calling out, a small pouch fell from the chariot and forcefully landed near them.

Within a fraction of a second, the chariot sped towards the southern direction like a flash of lightning and vanished. Observing the chariot and the people seated in it, these vanaras suspected that Demon Ravana was forcibly abducting a female. They were aware that Ravana lived in the southern direction and he was known for such wicked deeds.

The lady in the chariot had carefully collected the ornaments from her body and had bundled them up in a cloth and flung it in their direction. They sympathized with the woman who was being thus abducted by Ravana. They observed that the distressed woman had tied the bundle using a torn piece from her sari. From this, it was evident that she was leaving behind a clue for her family members to help locate her. Despising Ravana who at this advanced age was having such mean, lustful desires, Sugriva and Hanuman observed the bundle even more closely.
