SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-12 18:30:00 +0000
045: Vali’s foolishness

Śri Maha-ganapataye namah

If Sugriva were to accept the throne while rejecting Tara and Angada, then in the event Angada attained eligibility for the throne, a clash could ensue between Sugriva and Angada- through Tara, the chaste wife of Vali. Being supremely learned in all aspects of righteous conduct (dharma), Tara thought thus. To avoid this conflict Sugriva had to accept her as his wife which would make him the father for Angada. With this, Angada would automatically retain his title as the heir-apparent. After deeply pondering over all the possible outcomes, Hanuman and other ministers persuaded Sugriva to accept Tara as his wife.

A person who is going through a helpless phase in life wrongly believes that he has developed dispassion. However, it is far from true. Along with the feelings of dispassion, he experiences, feelings of enmity or anger also thrive in him which act like a virus.

The code of conduct (dharmas) is drafted taking into account various viewpoints so as to lead to the betterment of all. In this case, it was opined by all that if Sugriva would have rejected Tara and Angada, then a clash was imminent between Sugriva and Angada or between Angada and the children who could be born to Sugriva. If Sugriva married Tara, Angada would automatically become Sugriva’s eldest son and hence his position as the heir-apparent would remain undisturbed. This was Hanuman’s line of thinking. Following this advice of Hanuman, Sugriva accepted Tara as his wife and even declared Angada as the heir-apparent.

The broad-minded Sugriva wanted to avoid the injustice that would be caused to Angada from his yet-to-be-born sons. Even though Sugriva had such fine line of thinking, Vali, who was averse to all reasoning, developed enmity with him. Such was his adamancy that he refused to listen even to Hanuman’s explanations and continued to believe that Sugriva had conspired against him. He belongs to that class of people who vehemently insist that a hen has 3 legs and who refuse to reason. The dim-witted Vali failed to comprehend Hanuman’s foresight and his extreme thoughtfulness in trying to save his family from untold future misery. The dim-witted Vali chose to live with his limited understanding of the facts.

The only thought that ruled his mind was- ‘even when I was alive, my younger brother has made my wife his own’. What he failed to understand was that Sugriva had accepted Tara as a wife only in name purely with the intent of protecting the interests of Angada. She was not a wife in any other sense.

Vali, however, fumed, ‘I shall, therefore, kill Sugriva and make his wife my own’. This was his adamant stand.

Om namo Hanumate namah
