SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-12 18:30:00 +0000
038: Hanuman and Suvarchala engage themselves in penance

Śri Maha-gaṇapataye namah

Thereafter, along with wife Suvarchala, Hanuman proceeded to the Gandhamādana Mountain located to the east of the North Pole and situated in-between the landforms known as Ilāvŗta and Bhadraṣva Varsha. In-between these mountains is the famous Gandhamādana Mountain. These landforms are situated in the greater earth. From this, it is evident that they are not on this earth plane. This visible earth is but a tiny mountain or landform for Him.

Ilāvŗta and Bhadraṣva Varsha can be more aptly described as some planets existing in the vast space. In between such mighty planets is located the Gandhamādana Mountain. This divine couple then took up the vow of eternal celibacy and are relentlessly continuing their penance for innumerable eons. Even to this date, this divine couple is engaged in penance. It is their intense penance that alone sustains us.

Erroneously we presume that there is only one earth and this is the only creation in the universe. This is far from true. Innumerable planets and innumerable galaxies exist in this creation. Modern science is yet to discover them all. Discovery has been going on and new planets are still being discovered. Photos of some planets located accidentally in space are made available to us. I emphatically declare that discovering everything within this universal egg (Brahmanḍa) is impossible for any human being! Nevertheless, just because this is being stated, it is incorrect to abort the scientific attempts and discoveries. The efforts towards these discoveries are also a penance filled with many disciplines.

To this date, it has been beyond the scope of humans to figure out what is contained at the depths of the deep oceans. To reach those depths is beyond us. There are many huge mountains located in the deep oceans which contain untold treasures. Occasionally we do hear of some huge unique rocks or treasures brought back by the divers. After examining the rock they state that the rock fetched did not belong to the seas, but that it was a rock pertaining to the piece of land that had got submerged into the oceans trillions of years ago and that it has turned into a fossil. In this way, discoveries are endless both in space and in the deep oceans.

Anyway, Hanuman took Suvarchala and reached the Gandhamādana Mountain which is located between Ilāvŗta and Bhadraṣva Varsha planets. Here, this divine couple continued their penance endlessly while diligently abiding by their vow of celibacy. They were showering their blessings on those devotees who devotedly worshipped them. While remaining in that form, they took on another form to bless all the living beings across all the planes of existence.

Jaya Guru Datta
