SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-12 18:30:00 +0000
036: Sun-god plans to get daughter Suvarchala married to Hanuman

Śri Maha-gaṇapataye namah

The mention of Hanuman’s marriage leaves us alarmed. It fills us with many questions and plagues us with many doubts leaving us in a quandary. We are thrown to that stage wherein we fear that our devotion towards Hanuman may see a steep decline. ‘How can Hanuman, the eternal bachelor, be declared as a married man? How can such a declaration be made about Him?’- we nervously think.

However, let us try to delve into that story of His wedding to Mother Suvarchala which is filled with in-depth spiritual insights. This is the story of our Lord Hanuman. There are many who consider Hanuman as their Guru and as Lord Brahma himself.

Suvarchala, the daughter who was born from his radiance, turned into a problem for Sun-god. Understand that the birth of celestial children is purely aimed at the well-being of the universe. They are not like ordinary human births.

Why did Suvarchala turn into a problem for Sun-god? This was because this daughter of his was eternally immersed in penance! It can be said that from the moment of her birth and until now she has never ever opened her eyes. She remains eternally in the state of meditation. The Sun-god was worried about how she would lead a family life post her marriage. Where was he to find a husband suited to her needs? Who would come forward to marry this girl who would always sit with her eyes closed? The person who would marry her must be prepared to handle her eternal silence and life as a recluse.

In this is a lesson for parents to not give total freedom to their children, while at the same time ensuring that harsh punishments are not imposed upon them. While walking along with the children on their path, the parents must slowly, through gentle means, cajole them and pull them back to the proper path. Children must be monitored and controlled with love.

Although being aware that she was a misfit for married life, Sun-god was reluctant to let her remain a spinster. For this reason, she became a cause for his worry. One morning, Sun-god, who was pondering about his daughter’s future, suddenly remembered Hanuman.

This is a twist to the story. Sun-god had many friends, hordes of relatives and innumerable good acquaintances and well-wishers. Why then did he think only of Hanuman, who was merely his student? Behind this thought is a very significant reason.

Hanuman was a supreme devotee of Sun-god, his spiritual master, and would never ever go against his wishes. He had by then taken on an oath of eternal celibacy. In this creation, there can never be a celibate as pure as Hanuman. Why then did Sun-god seek to test his student’s vow of celibacy? Who can predict the intensity of Guru’s tests? What blessings do they seek to shower through these tests?

Sun-god thought, ‘Suvarchala and Hanuman are assiduously engaged in penance. If I get them married then, both of them can, while intensely remaining committed to the vow of celibacy, focus upon their penance. Hence from all angles it will be a perfect match. This marriage will lead to the betterment of the world. More importantly, I will also obtain the merit of having performed the kanya dāna (giving away daughter in marriage)’.

Jaya Guru Datta
