SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-03 18:30:00 +0000
030: The saints curse Hanuman to forget his powers

Om namo Hanumate namah

We discussed that the saints assembled one morning and discussed their problems, ‘Due to this boy’s mischief our homes are getting frequently burnt. Our fires are being put out. Our homas are facing obstacles. Hence in lieu of cursing him let us find a method by which his energies can be curtailed’.

Thereafter, one morning, all the saints assembled at a place. They called Ānjaneya and seating him beside them they said, ‘O dear boy! You are filled with goodness. Within you there is limitless power and energy. However, you fail to realize that your supernatural powers are causing us great harm. The reason for this mischief and damage is your constant recollection of your supernatural powers and unlimited capacities. Hence, from this moment, may you forget all your capacities! May the memory of these powers come to you only when those in need glorify your powers for a long period of time. Until then behave at par with other children of your age’.

Whether it was a boon or a curse was unclear. Only when Hanuman is reminded of his powers for a considerably long period of time, he remembers them. Not otherwise. ‘Through this, may your supernatural powers not get wasted’- said the saints.

There are people who misuse supernatural powers that arise in them. Their wickedness causes them to harm others. From this incident, we learn of the danger that lies in misusing powers.

‘This is the boon we confer on you’- said the sages collectively. Just like the calm setting Sun, all of a sudden, Hanuman turned quiet due to this strange boon. His mischief came to a total halt. He was composed. From then on, like the other students in the school, he too began to study the Vedas obediently and studiously.

Vali and Sugriva became Hanuman’s close friends, nevertheless, among them Sugriva was more dear to Hanuman. Between them, they retained no secrets.

Let us now proceed to the story of Hanuman obtaining knowledge from Guru Surya.

Jaya Guru Datta
