SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-03 18:30:00 +0000
029: Hanuman’s schooling

Om namo Hanumate Namah

We discussed that Ānjaneya and his uncles Vāli - Sugriva studied in the same school (gurukula). Among them all, Hanuman was powerful. It can be said that he was of unlimited energy. He would accomplish inconceivable feats. His deeds were crazy and uncontrolled.

All of a sudden he would increase his size enormously and terrify others. At other times, he would shrink himself and escape from tiny windows. He would enlarge his size, frighten others and even before they could realize what was happening he would reduce himself to an almost invisible form and slip out. If he was entrusted with the task of washing the vessels used for homas, he would disperse all the vessels by hitting them with his tail. Else, he would use so much force while cleaning that they would all break.

Playfully he would blow with his mouth. With this, not just in one home but in many homes the fire would be extinguished. To the great Maharishis, fire is of utmost importance. He would put out the fire from their hermitages. Many a times, the sparks blown by him would fall on the thatched huts reducing them to ashes. On some days he would tear down the clothes that had been put out to dry. When other vānara children cried at school, he jeered at them. If he found anyone laughing loudly, he would make them cry. If he spotted anyone crying, he would ensure that they continued to cry.

The teachers could not punish him for his misdeeds for he could never be caught. If in anger they cursed him, the curse failed to have any impact on him. Anjana and Kesari would receive daily complaints about his mischief. Their best efforts through harsh and soft means to control him were rendered futile. Tying him, scolding him, cajoling him were all useless. If at all they tied him to a stand, he would reduce his size and slip out. Else he would grow large and break the wall itself. Every approach to reform him turned problematic for them.

Unable to withstand the havoc created by Ānjaneya, all the saints who lived nearby assembled one morning and after some discussion concluded, ‘This boy is undoubtedly extra-ordinarily intelligent. Nevertheless, his uncontrolled mischief is beyond our tolerance limits. Due to the many boons showered by the Devatas, our curses turn ineffective in his case. Hence, instead of trying to curse him, finding a method by which his mischief can be reined in is the best approach’.

Thereafter, one morning, all the saints assembled at a place. They called Ānjaneya and seating him beside them they said, ‘O dear boy! You are filled with goodness. Within you there is limitless power and energy. However, you fail to realize that your supernatural powers are causing us great harm. The reason for this mischief and damage is your constant recollection of your supernatural powers and unlimited capacities. Hence, from this moment, may you forget all your capacities!’

Om namo Hanumate namah
