SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-03 18:30:00 +0000
028: The Devatas shower boons upon Hanuman

Om namo Hanumate namah

We discussed that Indra blessed Ānjaneya with the boon, ‘‘As your left jaw was swollen due to being hit by the thunderbolt, henceforth you will become popular as Hanuman’.

In the earlier episode we discussed that Hanu means jaw. Hanu also means ‘supreme knowledge’. ‘Both these meaning will apply to you. May you become proficient in the Absolute Knowledge’- blessed Indra.

‘May all forms of knowledge be effortlessly obtained by him when he reaches optimum age. Let him become a powerful orator’- blessed the Sun-god .

Hence all the qualities we appreciate in the Lord are the outcome of the boons showered by the Devatas upon him.

Varuna said, ‘May he always remain unharmed by water’. Yama, the Lord of death, said, ‘May he be freed from all diseases. May he be unaffected by my weapon during any war’.

The Devatas were aware of the future and hence showered boons in accordance to the future situations that would arise.

Shiva said, ‘I should never be able to harm him in battle’. Vishwakarma said, ‘May the weapons created by me be rendered futile in attacking him’. In the end Lord Brahma showered two boons, ‘May my weapon, Brahmastra, be rendered ineffective in harming him. May he live forever (chiranjeevi)’.

In this way, the Devatas rained boons upon Hanuman. Lord Brahma then handed over the infant Hanuman to father Vayu saying, ‘O Vayu, although you were angered, you accomplished a task that was aligned towards divine purpose. This boy has taken birth for a very significant reason. He will become very dear to all the living entities. There is no power which eludes him. He is an embodiment of all knowledge and all energies. In future, he will be of immense help to Lord Vishnu when He incarnates as Srirama’. Vayu was overjoyed when the Devatas thus showered blessings and boons upon his son Hanuman.

Let us now try to delve a little into Hanuman’s schooling.

Around this time, vānara Ruksharajasa accepted in adoption Vāli and Sugriva, the sons of Maharishi Gautama. The incidents that take place hereinafter are like the turning point in the story. Due to the auspicious moment of adoption, Ruksharajasa’s fortunes changed suddenly for the good and he became the emperor for the entire vārana species. Hanuman’s father the mighty Kesari also became one of the vassal (subordinate) kings in the vast empire ruled by Ruksharajasa.

Ānjaneya and his uncles Vāli - Sugriva studied in the same school (gurukula). Among them all, Hanuman was most powerful. It can be said that he was of unlimited energies. He would accomplish inconceivable feats. His deeds were crazy and uncontrolled.

We find it hard to monitor our toddlers, who, due to their increased sharpness and curiosity, coupled with increased muscular strength run all over the house trying to figure out the newer objects they come across. In many homes, a small gate is fixed to prevent them from running out and getting into danger. There are parents who tie their toddlers unable to handle their mischief. If this is the story in our homes, what can we say of Hanuman who was of limitless energy?

Jaya Guru Datta
