SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-03 18:30:00 +0000
027: Devatas pacify the Wind-god

Śri maha-ganapataye namah

We discussed that whether it is in earth, on heaven or in the abode of Brahma, the activity called ‘movement’ is dependent solely on Wind-god. Hence, the moment Wind-god rendered himself motionless, movement of living entities in all the three worlds stopped and their lives were endangered. It was a situation wherein they could neither die nor live. It is called prāṇāpāya.

In great anxiety, the Devatas approached Lord Brahma for help. Using his divine vision, Brahma gathered all the facts and then replied, ‘O Devatas! Barring praying to Wind-god there is no other solution’. Now, all the Devatas were afraid to face Wind-god. Their condition was comparable to the mice that hesitated to bell the cat. After the elaborate meeting, wherein they came to the conclusion that a bell must be tied to the cat, the excited mice even fetched the bell. So far so good. But now, who dared to approach the cat?

Lord Brahma agreed to accompany the frightened Devatas. All of them stood near the entrance of the cave and then the Devatas began praying to Vayu. Upon seeing Lord Brahma, Vayu instantly stood up in reverence. Holding his son, who was unconscious, Vayu circumambulated Lord Brahma thrice and then prostrated by falling flat on the ground.

Seeing this, the tension in the Devatas eased slightly. Lord Brahma then took the baby and gently stroked his head. With this divine touch, the baby regained consciousness. Movements could be visible in his body. Pleased with this outcome, Vayu immediately released the movement of wind across all the three worlds.

At once, all the living entities were re-infused with life. There was an air of celebration everywhere. Lord Brahma was very pleased that the boy, who was born for the well-being of the universe regained his life. He was also filled with joy at Vayu’s quick abandonment of anger. He then ordered all the Devatas to bless Vayu’s son with boons.

Indra personally put a garland of golden lotus flowers upon the boy and said, ‘henceforth my thunderbolt (vajrayudha) can never harm you. As your left jaw was swollen due to being hit by the thunderbolt, you will henceforth become popular as Hanuman’.

In the earlier episode we discussed that Hanu means jaw. Hanu also means ‘supreme knowledge’. ‘Both these meaning will apply to you. May you become proficient in the Absolute Knowledge’- blessed Indra.

Om Namo Hanumate namah

Jaya Guru Datta
