SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-03 18:30:00 +0000
019: : Birth of Vali

Jaya Guru Datta

We were discussing that Ruksharajasa, Anjana’s cousin, had dipped into the magical pond and transformed into a female vānara. Providence caused Indra to arrive there and notice the trembling female vānara. He pondered about her identity and everything flashed before his eyes. This was the land where celestial Gandhavas sported. Hence Indra too decided to sport with this beautiful enchanting female vānara.

Ruksharajasa who was disinclined to sport with Indra, began to run away in fright. Indra chased Ruksharajasa and at one spot held her tightly by her tail. Due to Indra’s divine powers that very instant a male vānara baby jumped out of Ruksharajasa’s tail!

In earlier eons, just a simple touch was enough to produce babies. Merely with the meeting of the eyes, or with simple words uttered, children would instantly emerge. What would be our fate if this feature had to continue in this Kali yuga? Now at least after 9 months of pregnancy children are born. If at all Indra were to sanction these above- mentioned techniques of begetting instant children, today everywhere and at every moment babies would keep emerging. We should be grateful that such boon has not been showered upon us in this period. Already we are suffering due to population explosion. It has become difficult to provide adequate food and shelter for everyone. Due to shortage of land on earth, people have resorted to buying land in Moon so that in future they can build homes there.

Due to shortage of land 35-40 storey apartment complexes have sprung up. If at all an earthquake were to occur, all will be thrown down. All these are after effects of increased population. Even the home that has many children faces similar problems. Initially everyone is excited- ‘aha this is Nanda Gokula, Nanda Gokula’ they sing, seeing the increased members. But as time flies by, members will be snatching/ grabbing the food from one another unable to contain their hunger pangs.

In this instance, the moment Indra touched Ruksharajasa’s tail, a baby vānara jumped out of it. As the boy had emerged from the tail (vāla), he was named Vāli. The moment the child was born, Indra returned to his senses. He could not understand what had prompted him to chase a female vānara and as to why he had got intoxicated by her looks. Slowly he composed himself and pondered over the cause for it. He then blessed the new born baby and slowly escaped from there.

Indra must have been terrified to spend even a minute more in that place. Perhaps he worried that any women on whom he sets his eyes will also beget children. So he silently ran away before he could be forced to make eye contact with anyone.

Destiny is strange! Who can tell the will of the Lord? Who knows how events will move? Sun-god Surya was watching this incident from heaven. After Indra went away, he descended to this garden and tightly embraced Ruksharajasa’s neck.

What was wrong with these celestials? Everyone seemed to be eager to embrace Ruksharajasa. In the next episode let us see what happened thereafter.

Jaya Guru Datta
