SGS Putugam

SGS Puttugam

By Puttuadmin1 on 2019-09-03 18:30:00 +0000
018: Ruksharajasa transforms into a female monkey

Jaya Guru Datta

We discussed that one morning engrossed in jumping from one mountain to another Ruksharajasa reached Mount Meru i.e. north pole. He found himself surrounded by snow on all sides. He was hungry but food was unavailable in this place. In that state, he lost track of the direction from where he had arrived. Unable to retrace his steps, he wandered in those snowy areas and survived for a few days. Upon studying the direction of the Sunrise and Sunset, he realized that he had arrived at the north pole.

He now travelled southwards and slowly began to spot trees, forests and lakes. He, who was tired after endless flying, was excited upon spotting a lake. He rushed forth and quickly jumped into it in order to abate his tiredness. Even as he was emerging from those waters, he was shocked to notice that he had transformed into a beautiful female vānara!

Ruksharajasa came to the shore. He panicked not knowing the reason for this strange transformation into a female. He grieved a lot. Gradually it dawned upon him that along with his form, his mental disposition too had undergone a change. He was now behaving like a female vānara. He had obtained feminine tendencies in his walk, talk, mannerisms and styles. He observed that he was casting sidewards, shy, fearful glances like a female. Fear had entered his mind. All these transformations were too much for him to handle.

Ruksharajasa was unaware that the forests in which he was wandering belonged to Indra, the Lord of heaven and that the garden there was a celestial one inhabited by the Gandharvas. He was unaware that the lake was a magical one in which any male who dipped would transform into a female and vice versa. Aghast that he had transformed into a female, he rushed out of the lake without dipping in it for a second time. As such, he continued to remain a female vānara.

Frightened at having turned into a female, Ruksharajasa wandered into those areas hesitant to return home. One day, providence caused Indra to arrive at that place where Ruksharajasa was wandering. He saw this frightened female vānara. He pondered about her identity and everything flashed before his eyes. This was the land where celestial Gandhavas sported. Hence Indra too decided to sport with this beautiful enchanting female vānara.

Jaya Guru Datta
